Gaius Popilius Carus Pedo

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Gaius Popilius Carus Pedo was a Roman politician and senator in the 2nd century AD.

The career of Carus Pedo is partly handed down through an honorary inscription, which the citizens of the city of Tibur put on their patron . It began with the first judicial office in Rome as Decemvir stlitibus iudicandis . This was followed by the military tribunate in the legio III Cyrenaica and participation in the Bar Kochba uprising (132-134), where he earned high military awards. Afterwards he held the Quaestur , the People's Tribunate and the Praetur (137-142) as the emperor's candidate . Around 144 followed the supervision of the three most important access roads to Rome ( Via Aurelia Vetus et Nova , Via Cornelia and Via Triumphalis ). In 146, as prefect of the aerarii Saturni, he was in charge of the senate treasury.

In 147 Carus Pedo became a suffect consul after the death of Tiberius Licinius Cassius Cassianus . After that, in 150, he was the curator operum publicorum in charge of building supervision in Rome. From about 151 to 155 he was governor of the province of Germania superior ; under Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus , he carried out a census in Gallia Lugdunensis (approx. 161/162). Eventually he became proconsul of the province of Asia (approx. 162/164).

Carus Pedo was a member of the priesthoods of the septemviri epulonum and the sodales Hadrianales (Hadrian priests ).

See also



  1. CIL 14, 3610 .
  2. ^ AE 2005, 305 .
  3. CIL 6, 855 .
  4. IK 17, 3028 .