Gaius Sulpicius Paterculus

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Gaius Sulpicius Paterculus was a Roman senator from the patrician family of the Sulpicians and 258 BC. Chr. Consul .


According to the testimony of the Fasti Capitolini , both the father and the grandfather of Gaius Sulpicius Paterculus carried the prenomen Quintus .

Only his consulate is known of Sulpicius' career. BC together with Aulus Atilius Caiatinus and which fell during the First Punic War . According to the historian Polybius , Sulpicius fought like his counterpart in Sicily against the Carthaginians. The annalistic Roman tradition, on the other hand, reports that Sulpicius was deployed in Sardinia , conquered many enemy positions and that his planned offensive against North Africa was only prevented by adverse winds. Then he won a naval victory against the Carthaginian general Hannibal Gisko , who was therefore killed by his own people. The Acts of Triumph state that Sulpicius was allowed to celebrate a triumph after his return to Rome .



  1. Fasti Capitolini: Gaius Sulpicius Paterculus Q. f. Q. n.
  2. Polybios 1, 24, 9.
  3. Zonaras 8, 12, 4f .; InscrIt 13, 1, 77.