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Sulpicius was the noun of the gens Sulpicia (or Sulpicii , German Sulpicier), an old patrician family in the Roman Empire . The cognomen Camerinus is very common up to the 4th century, later the rufii and galbae branches developed . The Roman Emperor of 68 came from the last branch.

Significant namesake

Sulpicius is also the name of two Archbishops of Bourges :

See also: St-Sulpice de Paris (Church in Paris), dedicated to St Sulpicius II of Bourges

Individual evidence

  1. For a complete list of all Sulpicians who held offices in the Roman Republic, see T. Robert S. Broughton : The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic. Vol. 2: 99 BC - 31 BC . Cleveland, Ohio: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1952. Reprinted unchanged 1968. (Philological Monographs. Ed. By the American Philological Association. Vol. 15, Part 2), pp. 622-624