Prisoner Aid (right-wing extremist organization)

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The prisoner's aid (spelling “prisoner's aid”) is a right-wing extremist organization that provides legal assistance and support for delinquent neo-Nazis . It is the successor organization to the aid organization for national political prisoners and their relatives (HNG) , which was banned nationwide in 2011 . The prison aid was registered as a non-profit association in Sweden after the HNG was banned in 2012 and has a contact address and bank account in Stockholm.

Structure and history

On the prisoner's aid homepage it was declared that the site should act as a platform for various initiatives "that revolve around prevention, care, direct aid and reintegration into our community after serving a prison sentence." Rhetorically, one differentiated itself from the HGA, which aims but on the same activists from the so-called National Resistance and the Free Comradeship scene . The organization is also present on Facebook. Via the social network, information is exchanged between the activists. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , solidarity visits are also arranged here, for example during criminal trials against suspected neo-Nazis. The association's correspondence is handled via a Swedish PO box address. According to the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution , Maik Eminger , twin brother of NSU supporter André Eminger , is one of the leading figures in prison aid .

The prisoner's aid appeared in public for the first time at the German Voice Press Festival on August 11, 2012. The association was present at the JN Southwest German Culture Day in April 2013 with its own information stand. Music events of the right-wing extremist scene are used to collect donations. For example, the Brandenburg neo-Nazi Maik Eminger organized a “national soccer tournament” for the network in June 2015 with around 50 participants, it took place in his home village in the Central Mark province. The police dissolved the sports gathering in Göhlsdorf at the instigation of the Lehnin convent .

January Tölva dismissed in 2013 on the organization's links to the NPD , and in Saxony-Anhalt to the parties' rights "" and the III. Way ”.

The prisoners Help sells T-shirts with the slogan "Freedom for wool" with respect to the NSU -Unterstützer Ralf Wohlleben . He had procured the right-wing terrorists the weapon for at least 9 murders. The Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Constitutional Protection reported that the shirt was sold there in 2016 at a right-wing rock concert. A prisoner help wore & amp; shirt . a. Maik Eminger when convicted of sedition in 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Stephan Braun, Alexander Geister, Martin Gerster (Ed.): Strategies of the extreme right: Backgrounds - Analyzes - Answers. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-53115911-9 , p. 175.
  2. a b c Right prison aid . In: Underdog Fanzine . March 4, 2014 ( [accessed July 12, 2018]).
  3. ^ Peter Carstens, Berlin: Network of right-wing extremists: Help is a weapon . In: FAZ.NET . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed July 12, 2018]).
  4. Neo-National Socialists | Defense of Constitution. Retrieved July 12, 2018 .
  5. ^ A b Brandenburg neo-Nazi convicted of agitation. Retrieved on July 16, 2018 (German).
  6. Donations for the right cause . In: . ( [accessed July 12, 2018]).
  7. Right reservist advertises “wool”. taz , November 2012.
  8. Constitutional Protection Report MV 2016, p. 29 (PDF)