Yellow catfish

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Yellow catfish
Ameiurus natalis.jpg

Yellow catfish ( Ameiurus natalis )

Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Family : Catfish (Ictaluridae)
Genre : Ameiurus
Type : Yellow catfish
Scientific name
Ameiurus natalis
( Lesueur , 1819)

The yellow catfish ( Ameiurus natalis ) is a species of fish from the catfish family (Ictaluridae).


The back of the yellow catfish is flecked with yellow-olive. The ventral side is yellow to whitish. Young fish are colored darker. The main difference between the fish and the catfish and the black catfish is its white barbels . The caudal fin has 23-27 rays and is not notched. On average, the fish reach a length of 15 to 45 cm. The heaviest yellow catfish recorded so far weighed 1.920 kg. The animals reach an age of up to 7 years. The meat of the fish is cream colored and has a good taste. It can happen that the meat is softer in summer than in other seasons.


The yellow catfish has a wide range of foods. It mainly searches for food at night and feeds on small fish, snails , worms , crustaceans , insects and carrion .


The range of the fish extends over Texas , North Dakota and the Great Lakes to the east coast of the United States (42 ° N - 19 ° N). It is a freshwater fish and prefers to live in habitats with clear, slow-flowing water, stony water bottoms and shallow areas with warm water and herbaceous vegetation. Its preferred water temperature is 5–15 ° C.


In late spring and early summer the yellow catfish dig holes in the muddy bottom of the water to spawn. Usually the fish, which become sexually mature at the age of two to three years, look for an object such as a piece of wood or a stone on which to lay their spawn . The parent animals then protect the spawning area until July or August. The Rogner can lay 2,000 to 12,000 eggs. A population doubles in approximately 1.4-4.4 years. Because of this short time, there is a risk of overpopulation.

Individual evidence

  1. body color
  2. caudal fin

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