Yellow-fringed triggerfish

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Yellow-fringed triggerfish
Yellow-fringed triggerfish (Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus)

Yellow-fringed triggerfish
( Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus )

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Puffer fish (Tetraodontiformes)
Family : Triggerfish (Balistidae)
Genre : Pseudobalistes
Type : Yellow-fringed triggerfish
Scientific name
Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus
Rüppell , 1829

The yellow-fringed triggerfish ( Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus ) is a species of the triggerfish family (Balistidae).

It lives in the Red Sea and the Indo-Pacific from the coast of East Africa to South Africa , Japan , Samoa and Tuamotu at depths of 1 to 50 meters. He prefers lagoons , reef channels and reef terraces .

Yellow-fringed triggerfish live in pairs or as solitary animals. They spawn all year round, but mostly in November / December and March to May. They build large hollows with a diameter of up to two meters and a depth of 70 centimeters in the ground from sand or broken coral, in which the female lays around 400,000 to 500,000 eggs. The egg ball, about the size of a fist, is weighed down by the parents with coral branches. The females guard the nest until the fish larvae hatch. The yellow-edged triggerfish grows to a length of 60 centimeters.

The fish eat the tips of knotty hard corals , which they can bite off with their powerful teeth, molluscs , crustaceans , foraminifera , tunicates and sea ​​urchins .


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