Gellius Sascerides

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Gellius Sascerides (Danish Gellio Sasceride ; born March 3, 1562 in Copenhagen , † November 9, 1612 ibid) was a Danish doctor and astronomer .

Sascerides was the son of the Danish theologian Johannes Sascerides (1524–1595). He studied for three years in Copenhagen and was also enrolled in Wittenberg for medicine, philosophy and science. From 1581 to 1587 he stayed with Tycho Brahe on the island of Ven , where he studied astronomy and then became Brahe's assistant. In 1593 he received his doctorate in medicine in Basel . After returning to Tycho Brahe, he became engaged to his eldest daughter, Magdalene, who had known him since childhood. Shortly before the wedding, he broke the bond and later married the daughter of a Copenhagen city councilor. In 1603 he became professor of medicine in Copenhagen and in 1609 took over the rectorate of the university. After his death in 1612 he was buried in the Frue Kirke .

The lunar crater Sasserides is named after him.


  • Theses de elementis (1604)
  • Theses de humoribus humani corporis (1605)
  • Theses de corpore humano, eiusque in partes, secundum diversos respectus, varia distributione et resolutione (1609)
  • Theses de alimentis, seu De cibo et potu, ut sub genere rerum non naturalium continentur (1611)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Scandinavian Biographical Archive I A-280, 445.