Gennady Samoylovich Gor

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Gennady Gor ( Russian Геннадий Самойлович Гор ; born January 15 . Jul / 28. January  1907 greg. In Verkhneudinsk , Siberia , † 6. January 1981 in Leningrad ) was a Russian writer and science fiction -author of the Soviet Union .


Gennadi Gor, son of a Jewish family exiled to Siberia , went to Petrograd in 1923 and studied history and philology there . Here he made contact with representatives of the avant-garde literature of the time, including Daniil Charms and Alexander Wwedenski , the heads of the avant-garde group OBERIU . As early as 1925 he began to publish, in addition to popular scientific texts on the life and culture of northern Siberian tribes, initially experimental contemporary literature (first volume of short stories: Painting , 1933). From 1961 he also wrote science fiction and published numerous novels, short stories and short stories in this field. In the GDR, some short stories (which appeared in anthologies) and two novels were translated. In 2007 his poems from the blockade and some fantastic stories appeared in parallel, translated and edited by Peter Urban .


  • Юноша с далёкой реки (1953)
  • Университетская набережная (1959)
  • Изваяние (1971)
  • Корова (2000)
  • Факультет чудаков (1931)
  • Счастливая река (1934)
  • В городке Студёном (1935)
  • Дочь Семардана (1937)
  • Ланжеро (1937)
  • Неси меня, река (1938)
  • Синее озеро (1939)
  • Панков (1940)
  • Дом на Моховой (1945)
  • Остров будет открыт (1945)
  • Последний экзамен (1948)
  • Неизвестный ключ (1949)
  • Ошибка профессора Орочева (1955)
  • Однофамилец (1956)
  • Докучливый собеседник (1961)
  • Странник и время (1962)
  • Кумби (1963, also as Гости с Уазы )
  • Скиталец Ларвеф (1964, also as Уэра )
  • Электронный Мельмот (1964)
  • Мальчик (1965)
  • Глиняный папуас (1966)
  • Минотавр (1967)
  • Имя (1968)
  • Синее окно Феокрита (1968)
  • Рисунок Дароткана (1972)
  • Геометрический лес (1973)
  • Деревянная квитанция (1974)
  • Картины (1975)
  • Чилиры (1975)
  • Контора слепого (1976)
  • Пять углов (1977)
  • Человек без привычек (1980)
German translations
  • Pankoff: A child of the Arctic. Translated by Alix Rohde-Liebenau. Ost und West-Reihe Vol. 3. Kantorowicz, Berlin 1948.
  • The electronic Melmoth. kap booklet, 1967 (abridged). Also included in:
    • Index J-81 works for Mr. Faust . People and World, Berlin (GDR) 1971.
    • Reinhard Fischer (ed.): The electronic happiness. Fantastic stories from the Soviet Union . The New Berlin, Berlin (GDR) 1982 a. ö.
  • Konstantin Pankow. Biography. Seemann, Leipzig 1976.
  • The statue. Das Neue Berlin, Berlin (GDR) 1978. Another edition with an afterword by Michael Nagula : Heyne SF&F # 4207, 1985, ISBN 3-453-31181-7 .
  • The ear. Fantastic stories from old Leningrad. Translated by Peter Urban. Friedenauer Presse, Berlin 2007, ISBN 3-932109-51-1 .
  • Blockade. Poems. Russian and German. Ed. Correspondences, Vienna 2007, ISBN 3-902113-52-9 .


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