Pleasant cheeks

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Logo of the Comrades Cheeks

The Genossame Wangen is a Swiss corporation with over 600 years of tradition.


The use of the less productive, less favorably situated pasture areas outside the original settlement area, such as the endangered reed and bank areas and along the forests and Alps, must have been relatively weak and free in the Middle Ages. When, in the 14th and 15th centuries, agriculture was increasingly switched to export-oriented cattle and dairy farming , this change required more forage areas. The resulting disputes led to provisions to no longer allow the use of the so-called common areas in such a "general" manner.

The dominance and ownership at that time indicate that the all-inclusive arose in the course of the late Middle Ages in a court area previously dominated by clerical and secular lords, i.e. from this feudal system - and ultimately undermining it. The first written evidence can be seen in the court law of Wangen , which was drawn up around 1400 and is kept in the local parish archive. Here you can already find the terms “ Allmeind ” and “Comrades”, which suggests a firmly organized body.

Since the Wangner Comrades became more precisely comprehensible in the 16th century , they have by and large over the common and forest areas that still exist today on the periphery of the municipality of Wangen. Until the 19th century , the Genossame completed what is now the Allmeind area between the cantonal road and the lake by purchasing "spell wood" and reed areas from private hands, which were probably once alienated from the Allmeind . The first verifiable sales of land to comrades for a house or "Heimet" were documented in 1518.

In 1670 a new comrades book was created. It contains the statutes of the comrades and the oldest list of those entitled to cooperate (comrades). This important list contained how and to whom the right to use the cooperative was passed on. The comrades book was used for the last time in 1797 and was replaced by protocols and individual contracts. Equally important, however, were the statutes, which were ratified by the Schwyz authorities as early as 1731.

In order to benefit from the rights of use of the comrades, you had to have your own stove and fire within the “comrades group”, i.e. your own household in the parish of Wangen or Nuolen, which is also part of the Wangner comrades group. Another prerequisite was the performance of hard labor in the field, forest and the Aa-Wuhrung ( flood protection ). Time and again, the Comrades survived historical upheavals. So z. B. the invasion of the French (1798) as well as the mediation and restoration period (1803-1815).

In 1894 an important step towards a democratically controlled cooperative organization was made with new statutes . The most important innovations are the establishment of a three-member comrades council plus comrades clerk and an audit commission as well as the introduction of a term limit. With a few minor adjustments, this shape has proven itself to this day and we can proudly look back on 600 years of tradition.

The families


coat of arms

Coat of arms: In blue a black bear paw with two stars and a golden three-mountain as a shield base. Of five known Bruhin coats of arms, four have a bear paw as a shield figure, while a fifth contains a hoe as a talking coat of arms, which indicates "breaking up", ie reclamation. The heraldic commission of the canton Schwyz decided on the depicted coat of arms because on the one hand it shows the bear's paw like the oldest known Bruhin coat of arms and on the other hand it is very common as a family coat of arms. It comes from a seal by Johann Bruhi, Ammann in der March (Styger 193).

Name: The origin of the name Bruchin is derived from «bruchmachen». It was about the first order of the soil, which was then suitable for cultivation. According to legend, an immigrant chased by a bear is said to have defended himself so bravely that the locals thought he could be "broken".

Old country people from March and members of the comrades from Wangen, Siebnen, Schübelbach, Kaien and Gelbberg / Rossweid.

first documented mention: 1217

year description
1217 In the oldest income bar of the Einsiedeln monastery from the years 1217 to 1222 a ruod is made. bruhi of Sibineichen (Siebnen) mentioned.
1229 "Rudolfus Bruchi et filius eius" (Rudolf Bruchi and his son) appear as a witness in a certificate of award from Rapperswil.
1409 a dispute broke out between Heinrich Bruchi, Vogt von Reichenburg and Hermann Wyss von Reichenburg and Rudolf Zimmermann because of the Marschalkwiese and the castle estate in Reichenburg. Heinrich Bruchi was allowed to keep the castle property and the Marschalkwiese went to Hermann Wyss and Rudolf Zimmermann von Maienfeld. (Certificate in the Einsiedeln Abbey Archives of March 14, 1409)
1414 regulate the legal relationship with Schwyz in the “Landrechtbrief whose in der March” the “Märchlinge”, whereby “Heinrich Bruchin” was also the seal of approval for the March. (From «The old state assets of the Canton of Schwyz» Schwyz, 1870).
1419 In the von Wangen yearbook , under the “wint manot” (December), the following is mentioned: “Item bruhis kind l fiertel (haber) from lakker grafenstuden vnd vom akker zem hagen”
1427 a dispute is settled between the parishioners of Nuolen and the chaplain Heinrich Bruhin (document 335).
1436 "heini bruhi von Nuolen, der elter" signed the first valid beneficiary letter between the church members von Wangen and their pastor. A cultural document! (Church drawer cheeks).
1446 gave Ruodi bruchy his life for his homeland according to an entry in the second year book of Wangen bei Ragaz.
1470 approx. In the year book of Tuggen under the January 7th the following mention: "Item Hans Bruhy had set by siner souls Heil and äberly Bruhis sins fatters and gred bruhin and siner schwüstrigen and all sinen before 10 pounds Haller an der kylchen buw". "Item heini bruchy uff dem rein gyt a priest three shillings us and from his Huss and Hof uff dem rein ..."
1482 a copy of the document shows that «Jos. schnyder and galus bruhi are with a different inheritance and shower off the way that Ryffen has ... »(copy in the church drawer Nuolen).
1500 on the 14th wine month, "Hans Bruchy von Wangen owes Hans Fay von Lachen 2 pounds of Haller". (Altendorfer Certificate No. 14).
1504 In the so-called Glückshafen toboggan run, which the participants in a lottery (Glückshafen) recorded on the occasion of the free shooting in Zurich, the following are mentioned: "From Tuggen uss the March: Barbeli Bruchy, Fren (Verena) and Gretty Bruchy."
1519 A “Uolly Bruchy” is mentioned in the von Wangen land register. Thereof a letter from 1519.
1536 In the Hofrodel von Reichenburg, Article 37: "Herman Bruchy sets the same rossyssen two uff sine good ones."
1548 In the Tuggen Jahrzeitenbuch the following is added under March 12th: “Ludel Harner sets 2 pounds, so to distribute:… stost to the Landstrass, the gan Widen gat, and to Hanns Bolten husswiesen, for the third to Jakob Bruhis Höfle and an sin husswiesen…. . . Date before Candlemas in 1548. »
1606 until 1608 the first Bruhin known from documents held the office of Landammann. In total this was the case 16 times: in the 17th century 2 times, in the 18th century 9 times, in the 19th century 4 times and in our century once, namely in 1946/50 Albert Bruhin from Schübelbach, 1955/59 was Armin Bruhin out of laughter National Council; Founding member of the Marchring.
1647 the old “All Saints” chapel is replaced by a new one. Its builder was Johannes Bruhin.
1648 a will of Jakob Bruhi from Schübelbach was declared invalid by the government.
1650 Let “Rudolph Bruchi and his wife Maria Zwyflin” join the Carmelite Brotherhood of Wangen.
1651 owned the parish of Innerthal Ankengülten from the governor Joh. Bruhis "from siner Sennweid Rohwis or Pfusti a measure of Anken."
1670 Sebastian Bruhin is also seconded to settle a dispute.
1686 Until 1712 Johann Ignaz Bruhin von Tuggen worked as chaplain, parish vicar and pastor in his home parish.
1699 The very first entry in the parchment land register of Nuolen reads as follows: «Wangen-Nr. L-Johannes Bruhi interest rates half a quarter of nuts annually from the house and the farm on Bachtellen, stumbles to Buochberg, down to the Landlstrass, down to the Kilchweyd, up to the house Caspar Hüppins weyd, and to Ignati Watenhofer's stuolweyd. "
1739 the Capuchin priest Erasmus Bruhi made perpetual profession.
1824 Kaspar Alois, politician and poet, b. 1824 in Schübelbach, was editor of the Alpenbote and Switzerland. Federal newspaper 1849, the Stauffacher 1854. (From Weber, Geschichte der Nationalliteratur III).
1970 One of the largest March families with 436 members, of which 205 (47 percent) live in Wangen and 185 (42 percent) in Schübelbach, 27 in Lachen, 9 in Altendorf, 6 in Tuggen and 2 each in Galgenen and Reichenburg.
Family coat of arms Donner Wangen SZ
coat of arms


Coat of arms: In red over a golden three-mountain, a downward pointing arrow accompanied by 2 stars. Brotherhood sign from 1729 in the Riedkapelle zu Lachen.

Name: Perhaps the skillful handling of thunderstones (prehistoric axes) resulted in the family name, which could also explain the shield figure.

Old peasants of the March and members of the Comrade Wangen.

first documented mention: 1380

year description
1380 approx. In the court law of Wangen, a right of way is recorded that determines the route, namely "... vnd for nuoler hours nider vnd zuo des toner hurd vf in the rüthy vnd over a weri ..."
1383 approx. In the land register of the Fraumünster Abbey Zurich is also listed: “Item Toners egge zinset five Schillig”. (MHVS 40: 158).
1417 The St. Wendelins Gülten von Wangen were renewed in 1645. The eternal validity of "two pound gels of Johannes doner" goes back to a letter from 1417. (Land of Wangen 1551, in which the St. Wendelins Gülten mentioned above are entered).
1419 In the year book of Wangen the following entry is recorded: "Item Hermann toner and nobility sin husfrow heint set sant iacoben l pound of wax from the wise men who nempt the soil whether the hempland uff disadvantage."
1446 fell in the battle of Ragaz Hans Tonner. (II. JW).
1516 sealed in a document Gallus Donner, Landammann der March. (Tuggen comrades' shop).
1518 sold the Comrade Wangen on March 7th, 1518: "And hand sells a bletz from our allmeind and hand the same bletz give amman thunder for siben and fifty pounds Haller."
1528 issued “ammann thonar, kleinhans thonar…” a certificate regarding “buying out the fence holder against the offending goods”.

(Comrades cheeks).

1536 "Marx Donner, Schriber in der March, sworn to this quiver" wrote down the Reichenburg court toboggan.
1548 the same Marx Donner was chosen as Landammann der March, and according to the document again from 1558 to 1560.
1626 Among other things, the following are noted as benefactors of the Church of Nuolen: "Item Gilg Donner sampt his beloved wife Margaretha Schätin gave and adored carousing crowns."
1628 First entry in the baptismal register of Nuolen: "Primo Januarii baptizata est Anna barbara legitima filia Aeggidii Thoner et Anna bruchin, patrini fuerunt Melcher wessner et Barbara hüppin." (On January 1st, Anna barbara, daughter of Aegidius Donner and Anna Bruhin, was baptized. Godparents were Melchior Wessner and Barbara Hüppin).
1652 When the parish Tuggen was separated from the Convent zu Pfäfers, a Johann Donner von Wangen co-signed.
1770 Magdalena Donner was among the “honorable virtuous virgins” from Nuolen, who had a new black dress made for the “Mother of God Picture Nut” (Nuolen church drawer).
1970 Of the 27 members of the Donner family, 22 (81 percent) live in their original home village, two each live in Altendorf and Lachen, while one lives in Galgenen.
Guntlin family coat of arms
coat of arms


Coat of arms: a gunten in red with a gold star. The coat of arms is taken from a seal of Peter Guntli, Ammann der March. (Schübelbach comrades' drawer, 7 July 1654).

Name: Apparently the Guntli were lumberjacks, who each cut the Gunten into logs in order to then grind them down to the valley.

Immigrated in the 15th century, then members of the Comrades Cheeks.

first documented mention: 1419

year description
1419 First documented mention in the “iar zit buoch” from Wangen: “Item rudolff gundely from a rüti het set l fiertal nut or have a measure of lard from babendal”. In another place: "Item H. gundely l half fiertal nuts"
1465 approx. the Oberhof came to the Guntli family, because a Hans migrated with his two sons Johann and Jakob from Wangs SG to Wangen and took over the so-called Oberhof.
1514 Confirmation of emigration from Wangs to Wangen.
1518 On March 4th and May 6th in Tuggen's year book: “Item Christen Huber would have stiffened…, and to Guntlichs Husswisen. Dyse brieff date on Sant Joss day in 1518 jar »
1533 and in 1538/39 the aforementioned Johann held the office of Landammann der March.
1551 "Jacob Guntly" and Michael Vogt put together a new, legally valid land register for Wangen.
1568/74 Rudolf, whose grave monument was embedded as an epitaph on the left of the main portal of the parish church in Wangen, was Landammann der March.
1572 sealed “Rudolff guntli”, “The from fürnem wys Rudolff guntli zuo the Zit Aman in the March” sealed a “comparison between being hungry as Aman and the gnats on the cheeks because of a fence”. (Archive of Comrades Cheeks No. 162).
1576 Adam Heer had the people of the house of God write down in laughter in the presence of a Guntli and others.
1588 In a certificate, the governor Rudolf Hegner confirmed that he had signed “instead of the fervent and white Ammans Guntlins”.
1602 the brothers Johann and Jakob offer to build a chapel for the painful mother in Wangen.
1603 Landammann Guntlin falls into an arbitration award concerning the Allmeind, according to which someone who drives no more than a cow or a cattle on the Allmeind did not have to pay a "slut" (collection fee).
1622 Landammann Hans Gunllin donates the probably most beautiful March monstrance to the church of Wangen from the transition period from Gothic to Renaissance.
1634 Until 1635 as well as 1644/45, 1648/49, 1652/53 and 1656/57 Peter Guntlin held the responsible office of Landammann of the March. A well-preserved baroque grave monument of this honored magistrate is set in to the right of the main portal of the parish church in Wangen (Marchring No. 14).
1642 Ammann Peter Guntlin seals a will from Father Clemenz. (Archive laughter).
1707 Franz Meinrad Guntlin is confirmed by Schwyz as pastor of Wangen on June 19.
1912 Until 1914, a Guntli, Anton, held the office of Ammann (in this case a district administrator) for the 12th time.
1970 The 26 representatives of the Guntlin family all live in Wangen.
Family crest hunger
coat of arms


Coat of arms: In red a ring with a cross, underneath a golden stag pole From the 6 different coats of arms, the oldest was selected, which arose from the seal (1565 and 1599) of Ammann Ulrich Hunger.

Name: Probably originally a member of a dwelling in the middle of poor soil.

Old March farmers and comrades from Wangen.

first documented mention: 1520

year description
1520 The year book of Tuggen (written about 1470) gives us the first customer of this sex. Under September 20: "Anthonius schubiger halt set and gornet (arranged) on a jarzyte two lib. (Pound) is valid for yourself and for your father and mother, sisters and brothers and for your married Hussfrauwe Madalenen Hunger and your children, ... in it is a letter, 1520 Jar. "
1558 Ulrich Hunger of March was head of the march until 1562 and from 1565 to 1568.
1572 In a comparison between old Ammann Hunger and the comrade cheeks because of a fence, Amman sealed Rudolf Guntli in 1572.
1586 complained on March 15, the Council of March, represented by Ammann Ulrich Hunger and Captain Rudolf Hegner, that some neighbors of Pfäffikon cut wood in their own estates and forests and lead through the March for foreign sales, which in the March with the existing timber export ban caused many practices by people from the March mixing in their own wood and having it carried away. (Schwyz archive, March files No. 204).
1598 Ulrich Hunger held the high and at the same time demanding office of Ammann der March for the last time until 1599.
1608 a dispute between the abbot and forest people from Einsiedeln with the March region and the comrade Sattelegg over pasture walks in the Stofeln (pastures with a shepherd's apartment and cattle barn), Horgrasen and Sattelegg was revived. According to the inspection of the bag master Hilarius Hunger and the provincial master Hans Heinrich Hegner, the dispute could be settled amicably by the fact that the comrades paid an annual interest of 2 a half Haller Zurich currency to the church in Einsiedeln and 500 coin guilders for the Stofel Horgrasen in the years 1608, 1609 and 1610 have to pay. So the comrades came to a legal extension of their Allmeind in the Einsiedler area. (Genosslade Sattelegg).
1610 Until 1612 Rudolf Hunger headed the government of the March region.
1614 "Stop Elsi Hunger from Nuollen goose 2 pounds Järlichs gälts" to the enlargement of the parish church in Wangen. (2nd year book).
1616 On May 20, the year of hunger was held in Wangen. «Ittem Hans Hunger sälig, he has to the highest praise of God and Mary, also to consolation howling säligkheith sinen and siner old before ... 4 pounds is valid. Wytter is one Ingedenck of the pious, fornemmen and Wysen Ammann Rudolff hunger blessed said Hans Hungers bruoder ... the kylchen stiffened 3 pounds gel. "
1708 Renewed old mayor Joseph Michael Hunger and his son, the ruling mayor of Rapperswil with their descendants the land rights of the March; likewise Joseph Anton Hunger "of the great council" in Rapperswil.
1970 11 representatives of the Hunger family still live in March, 10 of them in Wangen and one member has his
Hüppin Wangen family coat of arms
coat of arms


Coat of arms: In red next to the crescent moon, a house brand with a green three-mountain as a shield base. - Brotherhood shield of the Ried Chapel Lachen by Franz Anton Hüpy 1743.

Name: Presumably the first representatives of this sex had a hopping gait.

Old country people of March and members of the Comrade Wangen SZ .

first documented mention: 1486

year description
1486 was a Hans Hüppi Ammann the March . His seal contains a ploughshare as a shield figure .
1544 A Hans Hüppi was bought and included in land law
1559 In the Urbar of Wangen a "Hanns Hüppi" is also mentioned.
1562 In the Urbar von Nuolen (No. 7) "Hanns Peter Hüppin pays three pounds a year from his house and yard to Wangen, so there is a letter under the date of October 8th A o 1562."
1619 On January 20, the following entry is inscribed in the annual book of Wangen: "Ittem uff hütt begadt and keep Jar Zitt of the humble Jacob Hüpis blessed ... Wytter has Elsbeth Hüpin ..."
1650 Peter Hüppy was accepted into the Carmelite Brotherhood of Wangen
1684 Johann Jakob Hüppy was born in Lachen. Ordained a priest in 1707, he was pastor of Altstätten in the Rheinthal until 1730 , then in Häggenschwyl until 1763. In 1770 he died on September 15th in his home parish.
1767 The Hüppi family is also mentioned in the list of gifts for the construction of a new ossuary in Lachen . (Archive laughter).
1970 Of the 182 members of the Hüppin family, 155 (85 percent) have their place of residence in Wangen, the rest are spread over the communities of Tuggen , Schübelbach , Galgenen and Lachen .
2000 In that year, Armin Hüppin was elected to the government council of Canton Schwyz as the first of his gender and the first Wangner citizen .
2010 became Armin Hüppin Landammann (President of the Government Council) of the Canton of Schwyz.

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