Geoffrey Kingscott

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Arthur Geoffrey Kingscott (born May 22, 1936 in Derby , † March 2, 2011 in Sawley ) was a British translator , author , journalist , editor and politician . He published several articles and books on railway history and founded two translation companies.


Geoffrey Kingscott got involved in politics as a young man. He founded the Derbyshire Nationalist Party and later became a member of the Labor Party . He was also chairman of the Long Eaton Labor Party. 1954-1958 Kingscott studied French at University College London .

He then worked as a trainee journalist for the newspaper Pontypridd Observer and from 1959 for the Long Eaton Advertiser . The following year he went freelance as the head of a news agency and held this position for the next ten years.

In 1969 the agency was sold and Kingscott started working as a freelance translator. His first company, Kingscott Translations, was based in Derby Road, Long Eaton and Leeds . In 1984 he founded another translation company in Nottingham, Praetorius Limited. Later this company was based in Leeds, Manchester , Newcastle , Mulhouse (France) and Chicago (USA).

Thematic focus

As a translator, Kingscott specialized in business and technical translations, computer-aided translation (CAT) and terminology from French, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch into English. He was also the managing director of Praetorius Limited (translation company and publisher ) and editor at Language International .

Other functions and memberships

  • Fellow: Institute of Translation and Interpreting
  • Member: Institute of Linguists
  • Member: Executive Council of the International Association for Language and Business
  • Member: Languages ​​Lead Body
  • Local Organizer and Secretary General: United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)
  • Member: Sawley Historical Society

Research priorities

  • Business translation
  • technical translation
  • computerized translation
  • computerized terminology
  • Railway history

Publications (selection)

  • Applications of Machine Translation. European Commission , 1989.
  • Peering into the future. In: Monique C. Cormier (Ed.): Translation in Canada, achievements and challenges. Canadian Translators and Interpreters Council, Ottawa.
  • Language translation by computer. In: AE Cawkell (Ed.): World information technology manual. Elsevier, Amsterdam 1991.
  • Translating and Interpreting. In: D. Dembleton, S. Hagen (Ed.): Languages ​​in International Business. Hodder & Stoughton, 1992.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n International Who's Who in Translation and Terminology. Union Latine, Paris et al. 1995, ISBN 0-9516572-5-9 . (English, French, German)
  2. a b Geoffrey Kingscott in the English language Wikipedia
  3. a b c d Aspiring MP, journalist and author 'never took easy way. ( Memento of the original from September 26, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Obituary notice in the Derby Telegraph.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /