Georg Jakob Schneider

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Georg Jakob Schneider (born June 18, 1809 in Eichstetten , † December 18, 1883 in Badenweiler ) was a German architect .

life and work

The son of a carpenter also trained as a carpenter in Emmendingen after attending primary school . After military service from 1830 to 1833, he attended the privately run “architectural drawing institute” of Christoph Arnold in Freiburg . From 1833 he studied architecture at the Polytechnic School in Karlsruhe with Friedrich Eisenlohr . After completing his studies, he entrusted him with the construction management for the new construction of Ortenberg Castle . Afterwards Schneider worked as a commercial secondary school teacher in Freiburg and during this time designed numerous plans, especially for synagogues and representative buildings.

Schneider, who drafted numerous plans for synagogues in the Ortenau, often used neo-Gothic shapes, for example at the Colombischlössle in Freiburg (1859–61), which is kept in the English-neo-Gothic style. The plans for the construction of the synagogue in Kippenheim (1850/51) also come from Schneider. In 1843 he planned an expansion of the synagogue in Schmieheim , and in 1853 a reconstruction of the synagogue in Rust . The synagogue in Müllheim (1851/52) was also planned by Schneider, as was the synagogue in Ihringen (1861–63 / 64), as well as the synagogue in Freiburg , which was built from 1869 to 1870. Schneider also provided plans for a reconstruction of Langenstein Castle , which were not carried out, as well as for a new construction of Gondelsheim Castle , both owned by Count Carl Israel Vilhelm Count Douglas .

Schneider was married to Christine Meier from Eichstetten and had nine children.


  • Drafts of partly executed private and community buildings, intended for trade schools and in general for the construction industry . Freiburg im Breisgau 1859


  • Bernhard Vedral: Georg Jakob Schneider (1809-1883). Commercial school teacher and architect. In: Peter Schickl (Ed.): Gewerbeschule Freiburg 1837–1987. Festschrift for the 150th anniversary of the Freiburg industrial schools. Freiburg i. Br. 1987, pp. 192-196.
  • Peter Kalchthaler: Freiburg biographies . Freiburg i. Br. 2002, pp. 142-143.
  • Jürgen Stude: Georg Jakob Schneider. The builder of the synagogues . In: Geroldsecker Land 55, 2013, pp. 27–40.

Web links

Commons : Georg Jakob Schneider  - Collection of images, videos and audio files