Georg Sigismund Green the Younger

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Georg Sigismund Green the Younger (also: Georg Sigmund Green ; * April 8, 1712 in Chemnitz ; † January 12, 1754 in Meißen ) was a German Protestant theologian.


Georg Sigismund Green the Younger was born in Chemnitz in 1712 as the son of the Chemnitz superintendent Georg Sigismund Green the Elder (1673-1734). He received his education in his hometown and attended high school there. His grandfather Georg Green had also been a theologian, so he decided to study theology as well. Therefore, he went to the University of Wittenberg on May 19, 1729 , later he moved to the University of Leipzig , where he obtained a baccalaureate in 1731 and a master's degree in philosophy in 1732 .

In the following year he held lectures as a private lecturer in Leipzig. In 1736 he became vice principal of the city school in Meißen. After he was promoted to rector of the school in 1738, he was taken over as a deacon at the Franciscan Church in 1746 in the church service and he became archdeacon of the same year. Later he took over the vicariate of the Ephorie Meissen, which he held until the end of his life.

Most of his individual writings have been summarized in the collective volumes Exercitationes philologicae, autiquariae et criticae, in Academia Lipsiensi et Schola Misenensi publico propositae (Meißen 1744) and in the Exercitationum sacrarum ad selectos S. Codicia locos Decas prima (Dresden 1749). He also wrote a few Latin and German poems.

Selection of works

  • Diss. De Theologis Graecomm, Exercitatio I. Leipzig 1733, Excrc. II. Meissen 1736, Exercit. III. Meissen 1737
  • Diss. De Spiritu S. Philosophorum Gentilium. Meissen 1734
  • Diss. De luco religioni from Abrahamo consecrato, ad Gen. XXI, 33rd Leipzig 1735
  • Diss. De vite in templo Hietosolymitano, a Romania reperta. Leipzig 1737
  • Diss. De clypeis in loco sacro suspensis. Leipzig 1737
  • Diss. De fascibus laureatis. Leipzig 1738
  • Diss. De aratro hostili, muris from insolenti exercitu impresso. Leipzig 1738
  • Progr. De flore ac felicitate scholae, exemplo maiorum pietatis et doctrinae gloria decorandae. Meissen 1738
  • Progr. De Fauno, mercurialium virorum custode. Meissen 1739
  • Progr. De Regibus sacerdotibus. Meissen 1739
  • Progr. De Judaeis, continuo bustum Julii Caesaris frequentantibus. Meissen 1739
  • Progr. De victis et captivis hostiarum more mactatis. Meissen 1739
  • Progr. De diis medicís. Meissen 1740
  • Progr. De oculorum compressione, supremo pietatis et amoris officio. Meissen 1740
  • Progr. De Armigerís. Meissen 1740
  • Progr. De igne humanum onus purgante. Meissen 1740
  • Progr. De originibus Scholae Misenensis. Meissen 1740
  • Progr. Da Facigeris sapientiae. Meissen 1740
  • Progr. Do Diis in clypeis. Meissen 1741
  • Progr. De flamma lambente. Meissen 1741
  • Progr. De ruta e terra proles. Meissen 1741
  • Progr. De sertis arboiibus sacris suspensis. Meissen 1741
  • Prog. De virga Circes magica. Meissen 1742
  • Prog. De honore senibus affurgendi. Meissen 1742
  • Prog. De veterum lucubrandi studio. Meissen 1742
  • Prog. De thure ad statuas M. Mar. Gratidiani etc. Meissen 1742
  • Prog. De templo Curia. Meissen 1743
  • Prog. De clade auctore Uruta etc. Meissen 1743
  • Prog. De sodalitatibus, quaestore M. Catone maiore constitutis etc. Meissen 1743
  • Progr. Solennium natalitiorum antiquitates, ex sacrarum litterarum monumentis, Genes. XL, 20.Matt. XIV, 6. repetitae. Meissen 1744
  • Epist. congratulations. de anno quinquagesimo Dei a sacris ministrorum anno Jubelaeo, ad Num. VIII. Meissen 1744
  • Congratulations to Epist. de plantatis in domo Jehovah in atriis Dei esslorescentibus, ad Psalm. XCII, 14. Meissen 1744
  • Progr. De Deo sulminatore, ad Genes. XVII, 1st exod. VI, 3rd Meissen 1745
  • Progr. De visitandi aegrotos officio, ad Matth. XXV, 36. 43. Meissen 1745
  • Progr. De vento, nuncio et symbolo Dei venientis ac praesentis, ad Ps. CXLVIII, 8. 18. Meissen 1746
  • Progr. De serpentis prodigio. Meissen 1746
  • Progr. De multitudine molestiae et doloris in sapientiae et doctrinae multitudine, ad Eccles. I, 18.Meißen 1746
  • Progr. De.sublata, sublatis scholis maiestate divins, ad Thren. I, 5th Meissen 1746
  • Progr. De Juda ruptis in gravi praecipiti lapsu ilibus exstincto, ad Matth. XXVII, 5th et Act. Apost. I, 18.Meißen 1749


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Juntke: Album Academiae Vitebergensis - Younger Series Part 3; Halle (Saale), 1966 p. 189