Georg Thoféhrn

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Private Villa Georg Thoféhrn Machnower Strasse

Georg Adolf Carl Thoféhrn (born June 22, 1878 in Hanover , † December 14, 1963 in Berlin-Zehlendorf ) was a German architect .


As a freelance architect, Thoféhrn was a member of the Association of German Architects . His house was in Berlin-Zehlendorf, Machnower Strasse 49.

He was a member of Hermann Löns' circle of friends , which also included Hermann Knottnerus-Meyer , Hans Roediger and Walter Schliephacke .


Residential building Ostpreußendamm 170

The first building ascribed to him is the "Planervilla" in Hanover , built in 1904 .


"They [the houses in Schrockstrasse and Karolinenstrasse] represent design variants of a design concept that uniquely harmonizes regional building traditions with modern architectural principles."

- Monument topography Zehlendorf 1995

Individual evidence

  1. Entry Georg Thofehrn in: archthek , Historisches Architektenregister, section Thalenhorst - Thyßen , accessed on June 17, 2016.
  2. ^ Thoféhrn, Georg; Architect . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1943, I, p. 3058.
  3. ^ Löns' best friend: the painter Hermann Knottnerus-Meyer. In: Hermann-Löns-Blätter , messages from the Association of Hermann-Löns-Circles in Germany and Austria. V., 49th year 2010, issue 2, p. 18 ff.
  4. Georg Thoféhrn. In: Marina Wesner: Kreuzberg and its churches. Churches - mosques - synagogues - temples. Berlin Story Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-929829-75-4 , p. 35.
  5. Entry in the monument database of the State of Brandenburg
  6. ^ Master builder for Berlin. Georg Thoféhrn. In: Berliner Morgenpost of August 14, 2002. (only available for registered MoPo users)
  7. Martin Gärtner (edit.): Zehlendorf district, Zehlendorf district. (= Monument topography of the Federal Republic of Germany , architectural monuments in Berlin. ) Nikolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin 1995, ISBN 3-87584-561-7 .