Georg Weigel

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Georg Weigel (also: Weichel ; * July 13, 1594 in Merseburg ; † August 19, 1668 ibid) was a German Protestant theologian.


The son of Johannes Weigel, a citizen of Merseburg, and his wife Martha, the daughter of the Meuschenmühle miller Salomon Möller, had lost their father in their early years. His mother remarried and, together with the stepfather, ensured a good upbringing. Since it was difficult for them to pay for the training costs, Weigel became a tutor in Merseburg. In 1613 he began studying at the University of Leipzig , where he acquired the basics of theological studies for two years. Financial bottlenecks forced him to take a private tutor position in Halle (Saale) in 1615 , where he worked as a preacher at the town and castle church. In 1620 he became pastor in Altenplathow , in 1630 a deacon, in 1637 archdeacon and in 1657 pastor and senior at the town church of St. Maximi in Merseburg.


From his marriage on December 4, 1620 with Catharina († April 8, 1667 in Merseburg), the daughter of the pastor in Redekin Jacob Lentz, two sons and nine daughters emerged. From the children we know:

  • Mag. Salomon Weigel (* 1631 Weißenfels, † 1665 in Veerden / Hinterpommern) was a royal Swedish field preacher
  • Georg Weigel († 1635 young in Merseburg)
  • Anna Catharina Weigel († before 1667) married. around 1639 with the pastor in Wählitz near Hohenmölsen Johann Vogelsinger (* Weißenfels; † 1661 Wählitz)
  • Martha Weigel married with the pastor in Neumarkt bei Freyburg Michael Richter
  • Dorothea Elisabeth Weigel (* 1651) married. with the provost in Altentreptow Johann Kaphan
  • Barbara Weigel (* 1629, † 1690) married. November 26, 1650 with the pastor in Spergau Martin Dreßler
  • Maria Weigel (* 1633) married. with the pastor in Kayna near Weißenfels Mag. August Ferber
  • Sophia Weigel (* 1637) married with the pastor in Brehna Mag. Christian Höltzel
  • Dorothea Weigel († young in Altenplathow)
  • Magaretha Weigel (* and † 1635)


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