Georg von Wessel

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Georg von Wessel

Georg Christianovich by Wessel ( Russian Егор Христианович фон Вессель * June 6 jul. / 17th June  1796 greg. In Kircholm ; † February 27 jul. / 11. March  1853 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a deutschbaltisch - Russian Artillery officer of the Imperial Russian Army , engineer and university professor .


Wessel's parents were the landowner and Riga wholesaler Christian von Wessel ( ennobled in 1768 ) and his wife Anna Elisabeth, born Sprotte. Wessel graduated from the 2nd Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg (graduated in 1812) and then served as a Porutschik in the 15th Artillery Brigade .

As a staff captain , Wessel switched to community service. He worked in the rank of titular councilor (9th class ) in the Protestant department of the department for foreign denominations of the main administration for spiritual affairs.

1827 Wessel lecturer for artillery in the officer class of the St. Petersburg Michailartillerieschule with promotion to Guard Staff Captain of the 1st Life Guards -Artilleriebrigade (1829) and Guard Captain (1830). In 1830 he wrote the first Russian textbook on artillery. In 1832 he became a professor in the rank of polkownik at the Michail Artillery School, whose inspector he became in 1834 and from whose officer classes the Michail Artillery Academy was established in 1840. Konstantin Ivanovich Konstantinov was one of his students . In the 1850s he published an artillery course for military schools. He published works on artillery science and textbooks on artillery techniques, including military missiles and signal missiles .

In addition to his teaching activities, Wessel was head of the arms factories . He improved and increased armaments production and took particular care of improving the living conditions of the workers, for whose children he set up schools. In 1841 he became major general and in 1851 lieutenant general of the artillery.

Wessel was buried in the Lutheran section of the Volkovo Cemetery.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Georg von Wessel. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  2. Вессель (Егор Христианович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape VI , 1892, p. 111 ( Wikisource [accessed July 6, 2018]).
  3. Платов А. С., Кирпичев Л. Л .: Исторический очерк образования и развития Артиллерийского училища. 1820-1870 . St. Petersburg 1870.