Georges-Antoine Bridel

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Georges-Antoine Bridel (born September 24, 1867 in Lausanne , † December 16, 1946 there ) was a Swiss publisher and historian .

In 1887 he began to work in the publishing house of his father, Georges-Victor Bridel . In 1892 he married Maria-Johanna, a daughter of Edouard Gonin . From 1890 to 1910 he was director of the printing works, and then he was director of the Société de la Feuille d'Avis de Lausanne et des Imprimeries Réunies .

Bridel was also a historian and collector and published studies on Alexandre Vinet and the history of the city of Lausanne in the Revue historique de Lausanne and in the Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz . From 1921 to 1946 he was President of the Association du Vieux-Lausanne . In 1938 he founded the Section documentaire du Vieux-Lausanne in the Musée historique de Lausanne .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pierre Chessex / SK: Bridel, Georges-Antoine. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .