Georges Blin

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Georges Blin (born December 18, 1917 in Pertuis ; † May 14, 2015 in Paris ) was a French Romance studies and literary scholar who also worked in Switzerland.

life and work

Blin attended high schools in Marseille and Paris. From 1937 he studied in Paris at the École normal supérieure . In 1941 he passed the Agrégation in Lettres . From 1939 to 1945 he taught at high schools in Rome, Le Havre , Rabat and Tangier . From 1946 to 1959 he was professor of French literary history at the University of Basel (successor: Claude Pichois ). He completed his habilitation in 1958 at the Sorbonne with the Thèses Stendhal et lesproblemèmes de la personnalité (Paris, José Corti, 1958, 2001) and Stendhal et lesproblemèmes du roman (Paris, José Corti, 1953, 1958, 1983, 1990, 1998; Polish, Warsaw 1972) and taught from 1959 to 1965 at the Sorbonne, then until 1988 (as successor to Jean Pommier ) at the Collège de France . He was an officer in the Legion of Honor .

Other works

  • Baudelaire , Paris, Gallimard, 1939 (preface by Jacques Crépet ; Japanese, Tokyo 1977, 1985, 1988).
    • Baudelaire, suivi de résumés des cours au Collège de France 1965-1977 , Paris, Gallimard, 2011.
  • D'un certain consentement à la douleur , Alger / Tunis, Fontaine, 1944.
    • (Italian) Di un certo consenso al dolore , ed. by Giuseppe Grasso, Chieti, Solfanelli, 2015.
  • Le sadisme de Baudelaire , Paris, José Corti, 1948 (Japanese, Tokyo 1973, 1986, 2006).
  • La Cribleuse de blé. La Critique , Paris, José Corti, 1968 (inaugural lecture at the Collège de France).

Editorial activity

  • (with Jacques Crépet) Baudelaire, Les fleurs du mal , Paris, José Corti, 1942, 1950.
    • (Revised with Claude Pichois), Paris José Corti, 1968.
  • Stendhal, Armance, ou Quelques scènes d'un salon de Paris en 1827 , Paris, Éditions de la Revue Fontaine, 1946.
  • (with Jacques Crépet) Baudelaire, Journaux intimes. Fusées. Mon coeur mis à nu. Carnet , Paris, José Corti, 1949.


  • Relay. Dix études réunies en hommage à Georges Blin , Paris, José Corti, 2002.

Web links