Georges Cadoudal

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Georges Cadoudal Signature Georges Cadoudal.PNG

Georges Cadoudal , often simply called Georges , (born January 1, 1771 in Brech near Auray , Département Morbihan , † June 25, 1804 in Paris , executed) was a French general and leader of the Chouans in the French Revolutionary War.


Cadoudal - son of a miller - studied in Vannes . He joined the royalist uprising in Vendée and Brittany in 1793 and became the leader of the Chouans .

In 1794 Cadoudal was captured, but escaped and, after the unsuccessful landing on Quiberon, rose to head the insurrection in Lower Brittany. After apparently submitting in 1796, he rekindled the uprising in Brittany in 1799. Only when, after the defeat of the insurgents at Grandchamp and Elven (January 1800), almost all the leaders of the Chouans had submitted, Cadoudal also concluded a treaty with General Brune on February 9 and dismissed his troops.

Attempts were made to win him over to the Republic in Paris , but he went to London , where he was appointed lieutenant-général by the Count of Artois . He then came secretly to France several times to work for the royalist cause; the charges but that he in the conspiracy of infernal machine ( machine infernale was involved) in 1800, he rejected; on the other hand, he landed on August 21, 1803 with Pichegru and other partisans not far from the town of Biville-sur-Mer on the Normandy coast with the intention of carrying out an assassination attempt on the First Consul Napoléon Bonaparte . They reached Paris in disguise.

The conspiracy was discovered and Pichegru was arrested on February 28th. The search for Cadoudal then resulted in the leader's arrest on March 9, 1804. In the criminal process of an assassination attempt on the First Consul found guilty, he and his fellow conspirators were on 10 June 1804 sentenced to death on 25 June by the guillotine executed . His last words were “Vive le roi!” - Long live the King!

After the Restoration , the Cadoudals family was ennobled and Georges was posthumously appointed Marshal of France .


  • Jean-François Chiappe: Georges Cadoudal ou la liberté . Perrin, Paris 1971.
  • Henry Lachouque: Cadoudal et les Chouans . Amiot-Dumot, Paris 1951 (Presence de l'histoire).
  • Jean de La Varende : Cadoudal . Édition Française d'Amsterdam, Paris 1952 (Aventures et aventuriers).

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