Jean de La Varende

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Jean de La Varende

Jean de La Varende , actually Jean Balthazar Marie Mallard de La Varende Agis de Saint-Denis , (born May 24, 1887 at Bonneville Castle near Chamblac , Département Eure ; † June 8, 1959 in Paris ) was a French author, literary critic and painter .


Jean de La Varende came from a dynasty of officers: his father was the naval officer Gaston Mallart de La Varende (1849-1887), his maternal grandfather was the Rear Admiral Camille Fleuriot de Langle (1821-1914). La Varende became a half-orphan at the age of nine weeks, since his father died on July 27, 1887.

The upbringing was organized by the grandfather, who sent his grandson to the Collège Saint-Vincent in Rennes ( Département Ille-et-Vilaine ). After graduating there ( Baccalauréat ), he moved to the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris.

In 1914 his grandfather died and La Varende joined the 18e regiment d'infanterie de Vernon that same year . During the First World War he fought in Normandy .

La Varende married Jeanne Kuhlmann-Roederer on December 12, 1919 and settled on the grandfather's legacy - Bonneville Castle. His only child, Éric, (1922–1979) was born there. Between 1922 and 1932 La Varende worked in Verneuil-sur-Avre as a lecturer at the École des Roches . During these years his ship models were created , which were then shown in a much-discussed exhibition in the Bernheim Gallery (Paris) in 1932 . To this end, Louis Félix Marie Franchet d'Esperey , President of the Société de Géographie , initiated a catalog.

During this politically troubled time, La Varende joined the right-wing extremist Action française , a political group that included his friends Henry Bordeaux and Paul Bourget .

In 1942 La Varende was elected to the Académie Goncourt .

Two weeks after his 72nd birthday, Jean de La Varende died on June 8, 1959 in Paris. He found his final resting place in the family grave in the Chamblac cemetery in his home parish.

Streets have been named after him in several cities in Normandy, including rue Jean de la Varende in Bernay , Rouen and Lisieux . Many schools were also named after him, for example the Collège Jean de La Varende in Bourg-Achard (Eure) and Mont-Saint-Aignan ( Seine-Maritime department ).

Works (selection)

As an author

  • Contes sauvages . Defontaine, Rouen
  1. Trois Nouvelles . 1938.
  2. Contes amers . 1945.
  • Contes fervents . Defontaine, Rouen 1948.
  • Les gentilshommes . Wapler, Paris 1948.
  • Princes et mananta . Gautier-Languereau, Paris 1960.
  • Des marins, de l'honneur et des dames . Plon, Paris 1971.
  • L'indifférente . Le Rocher, Monaco 1999.
  • Nez-de-Cuir. Gentilhomme d'amour . Maugard, Rouen 1936.
  • Le sorcier vert. Roman . Sorlot, Paris 1938.
  • Le Centaure de Dieu. Paris, Grasset, 1938.
  • Le roi d'ecosse . Grasset, Paris 1941.
  • Le troisième jour . Grasset, Paris 1947.
  • Le dernière fête . Flammarion, Paris 1953.
  • L'amour de monsieur de Bonneville . Plon, Paris 1955.
  • La partisane . Flammarion, Paris 1960.
  • Un sot mariage . Hachette, Paris 1959.
  • Monsieur le Duc . Flammarion, Paris 1958.
  • Les châteaux de Normandie . Duval, Rouen 1937.
  • Le Mont Saint-Michel . Defontaine, Rouen 1941.
  • Les Broglie . Fasquelle, Paris 1950.
  • La Normandie en fleurs . Plon, Paris 1950.
  • Versailles . Lefebvre, Paris 1958.
  • Images you Japon. Au soleil levant . Cochery, Paris 1956.
  • L'École navale . Flammarion, Paris 1952.

As translator

  • Concha Espina: La rose des vents ("Rosa de los vientos"). Plon, Paris 1949.


  • Yves Allégret (Director): Nez de cuir . 1951 (based on the novel of the same name).


  • Anne Brassié: La Varende. Pour Dieu et le roi . Perrin, Paris 1993, ISBN 2-262-00903-1 .
  • Pierre Coulomb: La Varende . Wapler, Paris 1951.
  • Patrick Delon: La Varende (Quis suis-je?). Pardès, Grez-sur-Loing 2009, ISBN 978-2-86714-437-0 .
  • René Moniot Beaumont: Jean de La Varende . In: Ders .: Histoire de la littératuremaritime . Découvrance, La Rochelle 2008, ISBN 978-2-84265-590-7 , pp. 306-310.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Articles on Gustave Flaubert , Jules Amédée Barbey d'Aurevilly and Guy de Maupassant .
  2. with the essay Michel Mohrt : De Académie française .