Gerald Duffy

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Gerald C. Duffy (born April 13, 1896 in New York City , New York , † June 25, 1928 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American journalist , author and screenwriter .


Duffy was initially a journalist and editor of Redbook Magazine and wrote numerous short stories for this and other magazines . By the age of 23, he had already written more than 200 short stories and was so popular that in 1919 he was hired by First National Studios to write scenarios and subtitles .

In the following years he was involved in the making of over 40 silent films such as his debut A Fighting Colleen (1919), Too Many Kisses (1925, co-writer John Monk Saunders ) and The World in Flames (1927).

Duffy died suddenly while dictating a script on the premises of the film studio. For one of his last films, The Love Life of Beautiful Helena (1927), Gerald C. Duffy was nominated at the first Academy Awards in 1929 for the Oscar in the best title writing category, which was only awarded that year . Since Duffy had died on June 25, 1928, he was the first to be posthumously nominated for an Oscar. However, the award went to Joseph Farnham , who received the Oscar for his overall performance.

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