Gerardus Antonius Joseph van Os

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Gerardus (Gerard) Antonius Joseph (Johannes) van Os Abbreviation: GAJ van Os (born April 1, 1911 in Utrecht , † September 26, 2006 in Beek-Ubbergen ) was a Dutch biochemist .


Gerardus Antonius Joseph was the son of Gerardus van Os and his wife Johanna Maria Camps. He attended secondary school and, from 1923, the St. Bonifatius Lyceum in his hometown. In 1929 he began studying natural sciences at the University of Utrecht . In 1943 he did his doctorate with Hugo Rudolph Kruyt with the subject Ionuitwisseling en geleidingsvermogen van het zilver-jodidesol (German: ion exchange and conductivity of silver iodide sol ) to the doctor of natural sciences. After receiving his doctorate, he worked as a teacher at St. Joriscollege in Eindhoven , which at the time was connected to the Roman Catholic hospital.

In 1951 van Os received a teaching post as a lecturer for physical and inorganic chemistry at the medical faculty of the then Catholic University of Nijmegen . During this time he worked on the further development of paper electrophoresis and did research in the field of colloid chemistry . In 1960 van Os was appointed professor of physical chemistry at the newly founded natural history faculty at Nijmegen Radboud University. Van Os focused his biochemical research on the mechanism and functional behavior of biological macromolecules . He was the author of around 50 scientific publications, including the journal Biophysical Chemistry , and supervised 16 dissertations . In 1978 he received the Order of the Dutch Lion , in the same year he was retired.

Os married Elisabeth (Elly) Johanna Theresia Maria van Hooff (1924–2012) in Nijmegen around 1945.

Works (selection)

  • Ionic knowledge in the passion of het zilverjodidesol. Utrecht 1943
  • Biological macromoleculen. Utrecht 1962

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