Gerhard Bonnier

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Gerhard Bonnier

Gerhard Bonnier , originally Gutkind Hirschel (born October 21, 1778 in Dresden ; died April 18, 1862 in Copenhagen ) was a German Jew who started a publishing book trade in Denmark. He is the father of Adolf Bonnier, David Felix Bonnier and Albert Bonnier .


Bonnier grew up in Dresden in a traditional Jewish upper class family . His father was the banker Loebel Salomon Hirschel (born 1744 or 1745), his mother Feile Srasser.

In the autumn of 1801 he moved from Dresden to Copenhagen, where he soon opened a lending library. In 1804 he got permission to open a bookshop in Købmagergade . A few years later he changed his Jewish first name “Gutkind” to “Bonnier” and used it as his last name. The model for the naming was possibly the French nobleman Antoine Bonnier d'Alco (1750–1799), an envoy at the peace congress in Rastatt.

On December 23, 1803 he married Ester Elkan (born March 20, 1781 in Helsingör, died September 16, 1838 in Copenhagen) in the synagogue of Copenhagen , daughter of the merchant and later teacher Abraham Elkan (died 1801) and Jitche ( died 1784). Together they had 11 children.

Business was good until 1810, but when financial difficulties arose the family sent their eldest son, Adolf, to Sweden. When his book retailing company was successful, the younger brother Albert followed and founded a publishing house that eventually became the Bonnier- Verlag.

Gerhard Bonnier's grave is located in the Mosaisk Nordre Greavelsesplads .


  • Karl Otto Bonnier: Gerhard Bonnier 1778–1862. En minnesteckning . Bonnier, Stockholm 1924, OCLC 894862735 (Swedish).
  • Karl Otto Bonnier: Gerhard Bonnier 1778–1862 . In: Bonniers, en bokhandlarefamilj. Anteckningar ur gamla papper och ur minnet . tape 1 . Bonnier, Stockholm 1930, OCLC 257396123 (Swedish).
  • Rudolf Simonis, Åke Bonnier: Genealogiska förteckningar över ättlingar till Gerhard Bonnier med familjeporträtt av medlemmar ur de äldre generationerna. sn, Sl 1956, OCLC 866406745 (Swedish).
  • Svante Hansson, Manne Svensson: The forester Bonnier . Bonnier fakta, Stockholm 2004, ISBN 91-85015-42-3 (Swedish).


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