Gerhard Haenzel

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Gerhard Karl Theodor Haenzel (born March 5, 1898 in Wollin , † March 6, 1944 in Lesneven in Brittany ) was a German mathematician .


Haenzel, son of a teacher, took part in the First World War. He then studied mathematics and physics at the TH Berlin from 1920–1925 and was then assistant to the mathematician Georg Hamel . In 1926 he received his doctorate on the synthetic theory of the mechanics of rigid bodies as a Dr.-Ing. After his habilitation in 1929, he worked at the TH Berlin as a private lecturer. From 1933 he was professor of geometry at the TH Karlsruhe . He dealt mainly with algebraic geometry and the relationships between geometry and physics. In 1937 he took over the chair for mathematics and mathematical technology. In 1940 he was at the University of Freiburg with a thesis on geometry and wave mechanics Dr. rer. nat. PhD. In 1943 he left the TH and took a chair for mathematics at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster . Soon after, he was called up for military service. He committed suicide in Brittany. According to Max Pinl, he was driven to death by the political intrigues of a field court in Lesneven ... in occupied France .

He dealt in particular with the connections between geometry and physics, both in general relativity and later in wave mechanics and the Dirac equation (with connections to projective geometry, line geometry and the geometry of the icosahedron ).

Publications (selection)

  • A new sentence about the zeros of whole rational functions, session reports Berliner Mathematische Gesellschaft, Volume 27, 1928, pp. 17-19
  • About the characteristic involutions of the non-Euclidean movements ,months booklet for mathematics, Volume 37, 1930, pp. 209-214
  • On a class of Abel equations , Annual Reports DMV, Volume 41, 1931, pp. 39-47
  • About the time-changing metric , monthly books f. Math. And Physik, Volume 39, 1932, pp. 267-278
  • About solutions to Einstein's gravitational equations , Zeitschrift für Physik , Volume 72, 1931, pp. 798–802
  • Euclidean geometry, non-Euclidean geometry and space-time structure in Spinoza's system , reports from the Berlin Mathem session. Gesellschaft, Volume 31, 1932, pp. 55-67
  • A geometric construction of the transfinite numbers Cantor , Journal f. Math., Volume 170, 1934, pp. 123-128 doi : 10.1515 / crll.1934.170.123
  • Non-Euclidean geometry and its use in physics , Tohoku Math. Journal, Volume 43, 1937, pp. 169-181
  • Geometry and wave mechanics , part 1,2,3, annual report DMV, Volume 49, 1939, pp. 215-242, Volume 50, 1940, pp. 121-129, Volume 52, 1942, pp. 103-117
  • The Dirac wave equation and the icosahedron , Journal f. Math., Vol. 183, 1941, pp. 232-242
  • The Broglie theory of the photon in geometrical representation , Zeitschrift für Technische Physik, Volume 24, 1943, pp. 87-90


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Published in session reports of the Berlin Mathematical Society, Volume 26, 1927, pp. 126–162
  2. Published as Theory and Classification of Collineations by virtue of Involutions on the linear ray congruence, Tohoku Math. J., 31, 1929, 388–419
  3. ^ Max Pinl Colleagues in a Dark Time , Part 3, Annual Report DMV, Volume 73, 1972, p. 204