Gerhard Saager

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Saager as an Austrian

Gerhard Saager (born March 5, 1910 in Königsberg i. Pr. , † October 12, 1992 in Baden-Baden ) was a German business lawyer.


As the son of a landowner, Saager attended the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Königsberg. He went to the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University to study law . In 1931 he was reciprocated in the Corps Austria Frankfurt am Main . There he made a lifelong friendship with Harry Siegmund . In 1932 he returned to Königsberg. When Corps Masovia he was committed from 1932 to 1935 MC . In six semesters he fought three racket and two saber games in Masovia's colors. In the winter semester of 1937/38 - two years after Masovia's suspension  - he received the corps loop . He was promoted to Dr. iur. obtained his doctorate and passed the assessor examination at the court in December 1937 with "good". It went to the Institute for Tax Law in Leipzig (unique in Germany) . He graduated as a certified tax expert “very good”. As such, he was employed in the headquarters of the Thuringian Gas Company in Leipzig.

After a short time as a soldier in the Wehrmacht , he was in Berlin until the end of the Second World War . Initially complained by Friedrich Landfried for the Reich Ministry of Economics (RWM), he was soon integrated into the office of the State Secretary and appointed as a consultant for the Reichswerke Hermann Göring . After this and other special tasks at RWM, he came to the planning office founded in November 1943 as head of department, in which he was responsible for interdependency in occupied countries as head of the “Capital Integration” department under Gustav Schlotterer . Before the end of the war he was - neither an official nor a party member - deputy to the Reich Plenipotentiary for Economic Exports . At the Wilhelmstrasse trial he was a witness in the negotiations for Hans Kehrl .

In the post-war period in Germany , the Economic Council of the United Economic Area under Ludwig Erhard appointed him head of the Marshall Plan department in 1948 . After six months he had to resign for political reasons. In 1951 he founded a law firm specializing in business matters in Düsseldorf . Masovia awarded him the ribbon at the 130th Foundation Festival in June 1960. Four months later he received the ribbon of the Corps Palaiomarchia . In 1976 he retired to Bad Ragaz . In 1984 he fell ill with prostate cancer . Having operated on with good results, he moved to a retirement home in Baden-Baden . After celebrating his 80th birthday and taking part in Masovia's 160th foundation festival in Kiel, he succumbed to metastases from his carcinoma at the age of 82.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 25/314
  2. a b c Hans-Heinrich Müller-Dieckert: Gerhard Saager . Corpszeitung der Altmärker-Masuren 90, Kiel 1992/93, p. 118 f.
  3. ^ List of all members of the Corps Masovia 1823 to 2005 . Potsdam 2006
  4. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 87/1198
  5. Dissertation: Effects of the out-of-court settlement on the pending legal dispute .
  6. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 113/722