German Bernácer Prize

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The Germán-Bernácer price is from Observatorio del Banco Central Europeo (OBCE), an existing since 1999 independent organization to monitor the European Central Bank , ausgelobte award for economists from the European Union under 40 who made significant contributions to macroeconomics and finance made to have.


The prize was founded in 2001 and its statutes are based on the traditional John Bates Clark Medal , which is awarded to American economists under forty years of age who have made a “significant contribution to economic thinking and knowledge”. It is named after the Spanish economist Germán Bernácer , who published in various European languages ​​on economic issues and was in lively exchange with leading economists around the world.

Candidates can be nominated by universities , research institutions or individuals from the business and academic community; self-nominations are permitted. An eight-member jury decides on the choice of the winners. In the event of a tie, the vote of the jury chairperson is decisive. The prize is endowed with prize money of € 30,000 (as of 2018).

Award winners

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