German Hafner

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German Hafner (born March 3, 1911 in Wilhelmshaven ; † March 21, 2008 in Mainz ) was a German classical archaeologist .

German Hafner studied classical archeology, prehistory and art history in Berlin, Vienna and Heidelberg and received his doctorate in 1938 with Arnold von Salis in Heidelberg with a dissertation on four-in-hand carriages. He then edited the volumes of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum for the Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe . After military service (1940–45) he was a research assistant at the newly founded Institute for Classical Archeology at the University of Mainz , where he completed his habilitation in 1951 . In 1957 he was appointed associate professor and in 1963 he was appointed to the Scientific Council. In 1976 he retired. He continued his research until shortly before his death. He was a member of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) . German Hafner dealt with the entire field of ancient art, especially with portraits and ideal sculpture.


  • Front view of four horses (Berlin 1938)
  • Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Germany 7. 8 = Karlsruhe 1. 2 (1951. 1952)
  • Late Hellenistic portrait sculpture (Berlin 1954)
  • To the Epoben Westmacott (Heidelberg 1955)
  • An Apollon head in Frankfurt and the niobid group of the 5th century. (Baden-Baden 1962)
  • The Portrait of Q. Ennius (Baden-Baden 1968)
  • Crete and Hellas (Baden-Baden 1968)
  • Athens and Rome (Baden-Baden 1969)
  • Polyklets Doryphoros (Frankfurt am Main 1997)
  • Cassiodor (Stuttgart 2002)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. FAZ , March 29, 2008, issue No. 74, p. 37.