Gerta Semyonovna Kandaurova

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Gerta Semjonovna Kandaurova ( Russian Герта Семёновна Кандаурова ; born March 9, 1929 in Moscow ; † August 5, 2013 in Yekaterinburg ) was a Soviet - Russian physicist and university professor .


Kandaurowa studied in Sverdlovsk in the Ural State Gorky University (Urgu) in Physical - Mathematical Faculty with completion in 1951. After postgraduate was 1954 assistant and lecturer at the Institute for Experimental Physics of Urgu. In 1957 she successfully defended her dissertation on the magnetic properties of magnetic-anisotropic samples made from ferromagnetic powders for her doctorate as a candidate in physical-mathematical sciences.

In 1967 Kandaurowa became a lecturer at the chair for magnetism at the UrGU and the main research assistant at the Research Institute for Physics and Applied Mathematics at the UrGU. In 1974 she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the domain structure and magnetic hysteresis of uniaxial ferromagnetics for her doctorate in physical-mathematical sciences. In 1976 she was appointed professor . She discovered the dynamic self-organization of magnetic domains and the excited states of magnetic multi-domain materials.

From 1992–2004, Kandaurowa headed the Laboratory for Magnetic Domain Structure.

Honors, prizes

  • First prize of the UrGU for the work cycle on domain structures of highly anisotropic ferromagnetics (1977)
  • Soros Professor (1994)
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (1995)
  • First prize of the UrGU for the work on dynamic self-organization of magnetic domains and excited states of magnetic multi-domain materials (1999)
  • Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2004)
  • Honorary Professor of the UrGU (2012)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g UrGU: КАНДАУРОВА Герта Семеновна (accessed July 1, 2020).
  2. Кандаурова Г. С .: Изучение магнитных свойств магнитно анизотропных образцов из ферромагнитных порошков: Аесротердеф. на соискание учен. степени кандидата физ.-мат. наук . М-во высш. образования СССР. Уральский гос. ин-т им. А.М. Горького, Sverdlovsk 1957.
  3. Кандаурова, Герта Семеновна: Доменная структура и магнитный гистерезис одноносных ферромагнетиков: диссертация ... доктора физико-математических наук: 01.04.11 . Sverdlovsk 1973.