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Ernst Friedel. Long-term chairman of Brandenburgia.
Amélie Jaffé-Honrath as Brandenburgia at the celebration of the tenth anniversary.

The Brandenburgia (officially: Society for Local History of the Province of Brandenburg , later Society for Local History and Homeland Security in the Mark Brandenburg , short name: Brandenburg Society ) was a German history association.


After disputes about the working methods of the Association for the History of Berlin , City Councilor Ernst Friedel , who himself was its chairman until 1891 , resigned . “But it was impossible for a man who was so enthusiastic about exploring the Brandenburg homeland as Friedel to give up a thought that had once been taken. He realized that only the foundation of his own firmly organized scientific association could lead him to the desired goal, and a small circle of loyal friends and colleagues. He was still in charge of the Märkisches Museum to carry out his plans, and he now turned to these long-term employees, to these constant companions on his journeys, to establish the desired association and, on March 20 of the year [1892], to publish the statutes assumed, then on the basis of the latter the establishment of the new company was carried out. "

Friedel became chairman and later honorary chairman of "Brandenburgia". The company was named after the personification of Brandenburg. The aims of the association were: to promote regional studies , antiquity and history in the province of Brandenburg and Berlin ; the support of the Märkisches Provinzialmuseum (also founded by Friedel); the protection of the natural and historical national monuments and the scientific cooperation with associations related to it. The Society sought to achieve these goals through several annual meetings, excursions, walking meetings and its publications. In 1916 Brandenburgia merged with the Brandenburg State Group of the Federal Homeland Security.

After Friedel's death, Emil Bahrfeldt took over the chairmanship, then Albert Kiekebusch in 1921 , and Friedrich Solger became chairman in 1935 . Well known members were: Heinrich von Achenbach (honorary member), Friedrich Adler (honorary member), Karl Altrichter , Paul Ascherson Robert Behla (corresponding member), Carl August Bolle , Georg Engel , Carl Philipp Euler , Ludwig Feyerabend (corresponding member), Theodor Fontane ( Honorary Member), Max von Forckenbeck (Honorary Member), Georg Galland , Hugo Jentsch (Honorary Member), Albert Erdmann Karl Gerhard von Levetzow (Honorary President), Robert Mielke , Julius Rodenberg (Honorary Member), Wilibald von Schulenburg (Honorary Member), Wilhelm Schwartz (Honorary Member) , Paul Telge , Otto Tschirch (honorary member), Wilhelm Wetekamp (honorary member), Robert cell .


  • "Brandenburgia". Monthly newspaper of the Society for Local Studies of the Province of Brandenburg in Berlin . 50 volumes, Berlin 1893–1942
  • Archives of the Brandenburgia. Society for local history of the province of Brandenburg in Berlin . 13 volumes, Berlin 1894–1911


  • Festschrift to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Brandenburgia. Society for local history of the province of Brandenburg in Berlin . 2 volumes, Berlin 1902 and 1904 (= Archive of Brandenburgia. Society for Local History of the Province of Brandenburg in Berlin. Volume 9 and 10)
  • Friedrich Solger: Fifty Years of Brandenburgia . In: Brandenburgia . Volume 50, 1941, pp. 1-4

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gustav Albrecht: Ernst Friedel 1837–1907. A commemorative sheet for the 70th birthday. In: Archives of the "Brandenburgia" Society for Local History of the Province of Brandenburg in Berlin , Vol. 12 (1907), pp. 3–64, here p. 55. Addition in square brackets not in the original. The six other founding members included u. a. Robert Mielke and Hermann Maurer, long-time caretakers of the Märkisches Museum.
  2. ^ Statutes of the Society for Local Studies of the Province of Brandenburg in Berlin . In: "Brandenburgia". Monthly newspaper of the Society for Local Studies of the Province of Brandenburg in Berlin . Year 1, 1892/93, Berlin 1893, pp. 2–11, especially p. 2, § 1

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