Albert Kiekebusch

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Albert Kiekebusch (born March 8, 1870 in Waßmannsdorf , † June 27, 1935 in Hohenbinde, district of Erkner near Berlin ) was a German prehistorian .

Live and act

Kiekebusch was born as the son of the farmer Friedrich Kiekebusch (1819–1901) and Auguste Kiekebusch, nee. Kolshorn (1833–1899) born. From the age of 6 to 14 he attended the one-class village school, then the preparatory institute and the teachers' seminar in Köpenick . He passed the first exam in March 1890, the second in May 1892. This enabled him to teach lower and middle classes at middle and high schools for girls. From April 1890 to February 1891 he was a teacher at the school in Velten . From 1891 to 1895 he taught at the girls' middle school in Köpenick and from 1895 to 1901 at the 209th community school in Berlin. In addition, from 1896 to 1897 he attended three semesters of lectures at the Berlin University and in November 1896 passed the examination as a teacher of the upper classes at middle and higher girls' schools. In addition, he took over the science classes at the Ulrich teacher's seminar. From 1901 he worked at the Sophienschule and in 1904 made up his Abitur at the Bismarck-Gymnasium . Then, in addition to his work as a teacher, he studied prehistory, history, German literature and philosophy at the University of Berlin .

After graduating as Dr. phil. In 1908 he worked for Gustaf Kossinna at the Märkisches Museum in Berlin, where he was a research assistant until 1911, then assistant, in 1919 head of department and in 1922 department director, which he remained until shortly before his death. From February 1917 to November 1918 he served as a war geologist on the Eastern Front . After the First World War he lectured at the Central Institute for Education and Teaching . He was involved in anchoring the prehistory in the curriculum of the Berlin elementary schools. In 1925 he was elected a corresponding member of the Archaeological Institute of the German Empire . From 1929 he was a lecturer for Brandenburg prehistory at the University of Berlin, in 1932 he became an honorary professor . In addition, since 1920 he was chairman of the Brandenburgia , society for local history and homeland security in the Mark Brandenburg, and a member of the Berlin society for anthropology, ethnology and prehistory .

In contrast to his teacher Kossinna, he saw the task of settlement archeology not only to be the reconstruction of tribal and ethnic areas, but also the research of the settlements themselves. Kiekebusch contributed a lot to the settlement history in Berlin and Brandenburg. Mention should be made of his settlement excavations , which he carried out in 1913/14 in Lagardesmühlen (today Kostrzyn -Kłośnica) during the Roman Empire and in 1910–1914 in Buch for the Bronze Age.

Kiekebusch married Lucie Kolshorn (1878 - August 24, 1944) in 1900. He had a son, Heinz , and a daughter who became an archaeologist as Ingeborg Mertins-Kiekebusch (1912 - July 18, 2004). From 1919 the family lived in Hohenbinde, a district of Erkner.

In Erkner, Berlin-Köpenick and Schönefeld streets were named after Albert Kiekebusch.

Publications (selection)

  • The influence of the Roman culture on the Germanic in the mirror of the barrows of the Lower Rhine (= studies and research on human and ethnology, volume 3). Strecker & Schröder, Stuttgart 1908; at the same time: Dissertation, University of Berlin, 1908
  • The prehistory of the Mark Brandenburg . In: Ernst Friedel and Robert Mielke (eds.): Regional studies of the province of Brandenburg . Volume 3: Folklore . Dietrich Reimer, Berlin 1912, pp. 345-458
  • Local antiquity in school . Siegismund, Berlin 1915
  • Searching for and ascertaining prehistoric and early historical traces of settlement . In: Correspondence sheet of the German Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory. Volume 46, 1915, pp. 37-56.
  • Pictures from the early days of the Mark. For friends of local antiquity, especially for young people and their teachers . Reimer, Berlin 1917; 4th edition, Reimer, Berlin 1926
  • The excavations of the Bronze Age village of Buch near Berlin (= German primeval times, volume 1). Reimer, Berlin 1923
  • The dissemination of prehistoric knowledge through the prehistoric department of the Märkisches Museum . In: Festschrift for the 50th anniversary of the Märkisches Museum in Berlin . Society for Heimatkunde and Heimatschutz, Berlin 1924, pp. 51–65
  • Prehistory of the Mark Brandenburg , in: Märkisches Heimatbuch. An introduction to geology, botany, natural monuments, prehistory, history and folklore of the Margraviate of Brandenburg for the hand of the teacher and the friend of his homeland. Edited by the State Agency for the Preservation of Natural Monuments in Prussia, Emil Hartmann, Berlin 1924, pp. 96-102
  • The royal tomb of Seddin . Dr. B. Filser, Augsburg 1928
  • German prehistory and early history in single images . Reclam, Leipzig 1934
  • Germanic history and culture of primeval times . Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig 1935


  • Hermann Kügler: Albert Kiekebusch . In: Brandenburgia . Volume 39, 1930, pp. 3–12 (with catalog raisonné)
  • The celebration of the 60th birthday of Dr. Kiekebusch . In: Brandenburgia . Volume 39, 1930, pp. 105–128 (with picture from p. 105)
  • Board and Committee: Albert Kiekebusch † . In: Brandenburgia . Volume 44, 1935, p. 1
  • Chr. Voigt: † Albert Kiekebusch and Robert Mielke † . In: Brandenburgia . Volume 44, 1935, p. 33 (with picture in front of p. 33)
  • Friedrich Solger : The memory of Albert Kiekebusch and Robert Mielke . In: Brandenburgia . Volume 44, 1935, pp. 34-42
  • Hermann Kügler: Addendum to the list of "writings" by Albert Kiekebusch . In: Brandenburgia . Volume 44, 1935, pp. 57-58
  • Clara Redlich:  Kiekebusch, Albert. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 11, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1977, ISBN 3-428-00192-3 , p. 576 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Ingeborg Kiekebusch: Albert Kiekebusch 1870–1935 prehistoric scholar and local researcher Berlin - Mark Brandenburg Thoughts and memories . Kevelaer undated (private print 1995)
  • B. Wanzek: The Bronze Age settlement in Berlin-Buch. History of an excavation and exhibition. Part 1: Research History . In: Berlin contribution to pre- and early business . New episode, Volume 10, 2001
  • Felix Biermann (Ed.): Pennigsberg. Studies on the Slavic castle near Mittenwalde and on the settlement system of the 7th / 8th centuries up to the 12th century at the Teltow and in the Berlin area (= contributions to the prehistory and early history of Central Europe; 26). Beier and Beran, Langenweißbach 2001, pp. 3–18 (re-excavation of Kiekebusch's excavations between 1926 and 1935).
  • Christa Plate: Kiekebusch, Albert. In: Friedrich Beck and Eckart Henning (eds.): Brandenburgisches Biographisches Lexikon (= individual publication by the Brandenburg Historical Commission eV, Volume 5). Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam 2002, ISBN 3-935035-39-X , pp. 218-219 (with picture).
  • H. Tron: The imperial settlement of Kostrzyn-Klosnica (formerly Lagardesmühlen). Albert Kiekebusch's excavations in the years 1913–1914 . In: Ethnographic-Archaeological Journal . Volume 44, 2003.
  • B. Wanzek: The large settlement of Berlin-Buch from the Young Bronze Age. First submission of selected finds and findings . In: II. German-Polish archaeologists meeting / Or - an obstacle or bridge for cultural expansion? Zielona Góra 2004, pp. 37-76.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Heimatverein Erkner: Chronicle Notes. Distinguished Erkneraner: Prof. Dr. Albert Kiekebusch (1870-1935) . In: Official Journal for the City of Erkner 4/2005, p. 3. ( Online ; PDF; 238 kB)
  2. ^ Albert Kiekebusch: Thoughts and memories . Ed .: Ingeborg Mertins-Kiekebusch. Kevelaer 1995, p. 148-152 .