Ghamubar Zom

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Ghamubar Zom
Ghamubar Zom as seen from the Drakot Pass

Ghamubar Zom as seen from the Drakot Pass

height 6518  m
location Gilgit-Baltistan ( Pakistan )
Mountains Hinduraj
Dominance 18.04 km →  Koyo Zom
Notch height 2133 m
Coordinates 36 ° 35 '24 "  N , 73 ° 20' 30"  E Coordinates: 36 ° 35 '24 "  N , 73 ° 20' 30"  E
Ghamubar Zom (Pakistan)
Ghamubar Zom

The Ghamubar Zom is one of the highest mountains in the Hinduraj Mountains .

The Ghamubar Zom is located in the Ghizer district in the Pakistani special territory of Gilgit-Baltistan . The mountain has a height of 6518  m . The Ghamubar Zom is flanked by the Western and Eastern Ghamubar Glaciers . Both glaciers feed the Yasin , a left tributary of the Ghizer .

No ascents of Ghamubar Zom have been documented in the Himalaya Index.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alpine Club Library - Himalayan Index