Giacomo Manzoni

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Giacomo Manzoni (born September 26, 1932 in Milan ) is an Italian composer and music teacher .

Manzoni played the accordion in his childhood and later took piano lessons. From 1948 he was a student of Gino Contilli , a pioneer of dodecaphony in Italy, at Messina's Liceo musicale . From 1950 to 1954 he studied composition at the Conservatory of Milan , as well as the German language at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the University of Milan . After studying in Tübingen, he received his doctorate in 1955 with a thesis in German on the role of music in the works of Thomas Mann .

In 1956 and 1957 Manzoni dealt with serialism at the Darmstadt summer courses . In 1960 his opera La sentenza was premiered at the Teatro delle Novità in Bergamo , which was the climax of his serial output . A freer and more expressive approach to the musical material can be found in the opera Atomtod (1965), which Claudio Abbado performed at the Teatro alla Scala that same year , and in Ombre: alla memoria di Che Guevara . The third musical theatrical work was Per Massimiliano Robespierre in 1975 , and in 1977 he composed Mass: omaggio a Edgard Varèse .

Based on the novel by Thomas Mann, Manzoni composed the opera Doctor Faustus between 1984 and 1988 , which premiered in 1989 at the Teatro alla Scala. Il deserto cresce , a work for choir and orchestra , was composed in 1992 based on texts by Friedrich Nietzsche . Another choral work he composed in 1997 was Moi, Antonin A , based on texts by Antonin Artaud . Oh Europa for solo voice and orchestra was commissioned by the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI in 2002 . In 2007 Manzoni was awarded the Golden Lion at the Musica di Venezia Biennale .

In addition to his work as a composer, Manzoni was always active as a music teacher, uninformed at the Milan Conservatory in Bologna. His students include a. Fabio Vacchi , Adriano Guarnieri , Gilberto Cappelli and Riccardo Nova . From 1958 to 1966 he worked as a critic for Unità magazine and worked as an editor on Ricordi's Enciclopedia della Musica . He also emerged as a translator of Arnold Schönberg's writings on music theory and Theodor W. Adorno's music essays .


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Individual evidence

  1. Peter Hagmann: Music as an act of communication. (Obituary for Claudio Abbado), January 20, 2014, accessed on January 20, 2014