Gilbert Haefner

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Gilbert Häfner (2019)

Gilbert Häfner (born March 11, 1955 in Munich ) is a German lawyer and current President of the Dresden Higher Regional Court .


After graduating from high school, Häfner studied law from 1975 to 1980 at universities in Munich , Geneva and Heidelberg . He then completed his legal clerkship in Heidelberg , which he completed in 1982 with the second state examination. With effect from April 5, 1983, Häfner entered the higher judicial service of the state of Baden-Württemberg , his first position was the public prosecutor's office at the district court of Heidelberg . In 1985 he was seconded to the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice , where he was responsible for personnel matters until 1992 and later also for training and further education . As part of the development of the Saxon justice system after the political change in the GDR , which was supported by the partner federal states Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria , Häfner moved to Dresden in 1992 , where he was head of the training and further education department in the Saxon Ministry of Justice President of the State Judicial Examination Office was appointed.

In 1995 he moved to the Dresden Higher Regional Court as presiding judge , where he headed the 8th Civil Senate for 14 years, which was responsible for matters relating to banking and capital investment law and consumer protection. After Jürgen Martens , the Saxon Minister of Justice , had been appointed by the FDP for the first time in September 2009 , this also resulted in a change of personnel in the ministry. As a result, Häfner was appointed head of Department I of the Ministry of Justice, which is responsible for personnel, budget, organizational and fundamental questions, with the rank of ministerial director. Effective January 1, 2012, Häfner replaced the retired Gerd Halfar in his function as President of the Dresden Regional Court . Effective December 1, 2017, Häfner succeeded Ulrich Hagenloch as President of the Dresden Higher Regional Court.

Medial work

Since 2002 Haefner designed for MDR telecast MDR by 4 a counselor program on legal issues which will be broadcast every two weeks of daily life.

Individual evidence

  1. Handbook of Justice 2017, p. 387
  2. NJW 43/2017 Personal details
  3. Handbook of Justice 1984 p. 45
  4. MDR: More about legal expert Gilbert Häfner , accessed on March 30, 2020.

Web links