Giovanni da San Giovanni

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Giovanni da San Giovanni, self-portrait , 1616 .

Giovanni da San Giovanni (* 20th March 1592 in San Giovanni Valdarno , † 9. December 1636 in Florence , a native Giovanni Mannozzi ) was an Italian painter of the Baroque .

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A clerical career was originally planned for the son of a notary, but after a short time he decided against the plans of his father Giovan Battista di Agnolo Mannozzi . Giovanni, who got his nickname after his hometown, was trained from 1608 by Matteo Rosselli , a leading artist in Florence at the time. He was probably in close contact with Giulio Parigi from those years . From 1612 Giovanni can be verified as a member of the Accademia del Disegno .

The last major work of Giovanni da San Giovanni completed by his students are the frescoes on the ground floor of the Palazzo Pitti .

Among the more important early works are decorations in the Casa Buonarroti and large-format frescoes in the Ognissanti Church . From 1617 he is officially considered the Medici court painter . Several orders for the following years were the scenic decoration of palace facades and are therefore no longer only very fragmentary condition or an exception, the 1619/20 together, carried out with Parigi painting of the Piazza Santa Croce nearby shop facade of the Palazzo dell'Antella . Between the In 1621 and 1628 he stayed in Rome - initially together with Francesco Furini - and carried out numerous works here, after which he returned to Tuscany . The last major commission, the painting of a salon on the ground floor of the Palazzo Pitti , was interrupted by the death of Giovanni da San Giovanni; the frescoes were later completed by students and painters friends (including Furini).

Works (selection)


  • Francesco Sorce:  Manozzi, Giovanni (Giovanni da San Giovanni). In: Mario Caravale (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 69:  Mangiabotti – Marconi. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2007.
  • Sandro Bellesi: Catalogo dei pittori fiorentini del '600 e' 700. Biography e opere. Edizioni Polistampa, Florence 2009, Vol. 1, pp. 187-189; Vol. 3, pp. 62-70.
  • Silvia Benassai and Mara Visonà (eds.): Quiete, invenzione e inquietudine. Il Seicento fiorentino intorno a Giovanni da San Giovanni. Centro Di, Florence 2011.

Web links

Commons : Giovanni da San Giovanni  - Collection of images, videos and audio files