Giuseppe Boerio

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Giuseppe Boerio (* 1754 in Lendinara ; † February 25, 1832 in Venice ) was magistrate and judge of the Republic of Venice , but also rose as a lawyer among the French and Austrians. He became famous for his dictionary of the Venetian dialect , the Dizionario del dialetto veneziano , which appeared from 1827 to 1829, and which was reprinted in 1856.

Live and act

Little is known about Boerio's origins and youth. He was the son of a magistrate in the Republic of Venice , and he studied law in Padua .

No sooner had he completed his studies with the laureate than he was elected by the Senate as his father's coadiutor, which began his career as a Venice official, a career that only ended abruptly with the end of the Republic in 1797. The first news about him comes from Verona , around 1784, where he also published his first work, namely an eight-volume list of the laws of the municipalities, jurisdictions and vicariates of the province of Verona, with the title form of the public representatives, judges and vicars of the same province. The work was dedicated to the Podestà by Verona Zuan Alvise Mocenigo.

Boerio went from Verona to Chioggia , where his presence is assured in 1789. That year began his correspondence with Domenico Tiepolo, the Podestà of Chioggia, of which he was Cancelliere . In Chioggia he worked on his second publication, a collection of resolutions and decrees of the municipal magistrates of Chiogga, which appeared in 1791. In Verona Boerio published his third compilatory work, the Raccolta delle leggi venete pel territorio , a collection of Venetian laws.

Towards the end of the republic, Boerio's traces are lost. In 1798 he was assessor of the Tribunale criminale Venice. Two other publications date from this period, namely Esemplare d'un processo ordinario secondo le norme del codice penale vegliante negli Stati Imperiali Austriaci and a Pratica del processo criminale dedotta dal sovrano codice dei delitti , both of which appeared in 1805. He was then a judge at the Corte di giustizia dell'Adriatico during the French occupation of Venice, after the return of the Austrians continued to be a judge in Venice, but also in Rovigo and Padua, and finally again in Venice.

Three more legal publications followed in 1815. The abolition of the defense lawyer, which Boerio advocated, met with harsh criticism from the Milanese lawyer Giuseppe Marocco: Della necessità di un difensore , of 1816, who considered the defense lawyer to be an absolute necessity. Boerio continued to rise until he was promoted to Consigliere dell'IR Tribunale civile di prima istanza . He passed away shortly after his retirement.

The publication that Boerio made known to this day did not belong to his professional field, jurisprudence. It was the dictionary of the Venetian dialect , the Dizionario del dialetto veneziano . To create this gigantic work, he traveled all over Veneto ; he worked with Nicolò Contarini on questions of ichthyology , Stefano Andrea Renier was his contact person for natural history , Giandomenico Nardo on questions of ornithology , then Antonio Zanchi and D. Manin, who was still very young, acted as editors.

After a first attempt at the Ateneo veneto in 1821 , he only managed to conclude a contract with Manin for the first edition in July 1826. Printing began at the end of the year, the first fascicle appeared in 1827. It took two years for the last fascicle to appear. The success was great, and Emmanuele Antonio Cicogna pushed for a revised reprint with an Italian-Venetian index that Boerio had no longer published. It appeared in 1856.

There is a pseudo third edition of the Dizionario , Venice 1867, which differs from the second edition only in the frontispiece . Reprints of this were made again in Turin in 1960 and 1967 . In the city library Bassana is the first version of the work, dated 14 May 1821 (ms. 1520).

Main work

Sources and editions of letters

In the State Archives of Venice is the fund Archivio Tiepolo , b. 53, n. 160 (letters to D. Tiepolo, 1789-1792); in the Civico Museo Correr , mss. Manin (Pellegrini), b. XII, 1-69; b. VIII, 1-81 (letters to D. Manin, 1826-1831); b. XXI, 17 (documents relating to the first edition); there, cod. Cic. 3409/19 (letters to A. Zanchi, 1827–1828 (on this: Cesare Musatti: Il dizionario veneziano del Boerio e una lettera di D. Manin ad A. Zanchi , in: Nuovo Archivio Veneto, ns, XIII, 119–131, 239 f.) Further letters were published by Cesare Musatti and Ettore de Toni: Il dizionario veneziano del Boerio e N. Contarini , in: Ateneo veneto XXII, 2 (1899) 336-353.



  1. Giuseppe Boerio: Raccolta delle leggi venete concernenti i corpi, Magistrati ed uffici municipali di Chioggia , Venice 1,761th
  2. Giuseppe Boerio: Raccolta di Parti, Terminazioni e decree concernenti ai Corpi, Magistrati ed Uffizi municipali della città di Magnificia Chioggia , Venice 1791 ( digitized ).
  3. Giuseppe Boerio: Raccolta delle leggi venete pel territorio , Verona 1,793th
  4. Giuseppe Boerio: Esemplare d'un processo Ordinary secondo le norme del codice penale Vegliante negli Stati Imperiali Austriaci , Venice 1805th
  5. Giuseppe Boerio: Pratica del processo criminale dedotta dal sovrano codice dei delitti , Venice 1805th
  6. Giuseppe Boerio: Esemplare d'un processo criminale formato secondo le norm del codice di procedura vegliante nel Regno lombardo-veneto and Pratica del processo criminale dedotta dal codice dei delitti e di procedura e dall'appendice as well as the Repertorio ossia estratto del codice penale , all three appeared in Venice in 1815.
  7. ^ Giuseppe Marocco: Della necessità di un difensore , Milan 1816 ( digitized version ).