Giuseppe Loss

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Giuseppe Loss , also Josef Loss (born January 13, 1831 in Canal San Bovo , Austrian Empire , † May 11, 1880 in Venice ) was a lawyer , botanist and alpinist . In 1865 he was the first to climb the Cima Tosa in the Brenta Group .


Giuseppe Loss was born in Caoria, a small town belonging to the municipality of Canal San Bovo in the Valle del Vanoi, framed by the Cima d'Asta and the Lagorai . His parents were Domenico Loss and Caterina Negrelli, the sister of Luigi and Giuseppina Negrelli .

Giuseppe studied law and then began a career as a lawyer in the administration of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. He worked in the Tyrolean judicial districts of Stenico and Cles . In 1876 he was appointed district captain in Cles and in 1879 district captain in the judicial district of Primiero .

Loss also dealt with botany and geology in southern Tyrol, today's Trentino . In his research he roamed both the eastern and western halves of the Trentino. He is considered to be the discoverer of the simple diamond fern and the delicate striped fern . Parts of his herbarium are kept in the Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck .

He wrote numerous writings on regional studies, including travel reports on Trentino, which were published in the 1870s. His manuscripts were used by his cousin Ottone Brentari for his well-known cultural studies.

In addition to his research, he was also active as a mountaineer. He is one of the Trentino pioneers of alpinism and in his time was the only Trentino alpinist who had achieved a certain importance. On July 20, 1865, in a rope team with five other mountaineers, he succeeded in the first ascent of Cima Tosa in the Brenta Group. He was four days before the Irish John Ball .

In 1880 he had to give up his office as district captain due to illness. He died in the same year during a convalescent stay in Venice.


  • Antonio Zanetel: Dizionario biografico di uomini del Trentino sud-orientale. Alcione, Trento 1978.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Negrelli marital status in the Negrelli archive (Italian), accessed on April 19, 2018
  2. a b Short biography of Giuseppe Loss (Italian) accessed on April 19, 2018
  3. a b Giuseppe Loss. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 5, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1972, p. 329.
  4. a b c Antonio Zanetel: Dizionario biografico di uomini del Trentino sud-orientale p. 232