Caspian Gledichia

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Caspian Gledichia
Caspian Gleditschia (Gleditsia caspica)

Caspian Gleditschia ( Gleditsia caspica )

Order : Fabales (Fabales)
Family : Legumes (Fabaceae)
Subfamily : Carob family (Caesalpinioideae)
Tribe : Caesalpinieae
Genre : Gleditschien ( Gleditsia )
Type : Caspian Gledichia
Scientific name
Gleditsia caspica

The Caspian Gleditschie ( Gleditsia caspica ) is a kind of the genus of honey locusts ( Gleditsia ) in the subfamily of caesalpinioideae (Caesalpinioideae) within the family of the Leguminosae (Fabaceae). The natural range is in Iran and Azerbaijan . It is rarely planted as an ornamental shrub .


The Caspian Gleditschia is a deciduous, broad-crowned, small tree that reaches heights of up to 12 meters. There are numerous, up to 15 centimeters long, strongly branched and flattened thorns . The young shoots are bright green and glabrous. The leaves are 15 to 25 centimeters long and usually simply pinnate. The leaf spindle and the leaflet stalks are hairy. The double-pinnate leaf blade has six to eight pinnate first order. The twelve to 24 leaflets are glossy, up to 5 centimeters long, egg-shaped to elliptical, rounded to marginalized with a finely notched leaf margin.

The flowering period is in June and July. The dense, hairy, racemose inflorescences are 5 to 10 centimeters long. The almost sessile, hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic and five-fold with a double flower envelope . The petals are arranged in the typical shape of the butterfly flower . The legumes are 20 centimeters long, thin and curved like a saber.


The natural range is in Azerbaijan and northern Iran on the Caspian Sea and the lower rivers of the Talysh Mountains . Gleditsia caspica is feral in the Ukraine . The Caspian Gleditschia grows in species-rich forests, in dry forests and steppes on moderately dry to fresh, slightly acidic to alkaline, nutrient-rich soils in sunny to light-shaded locations.


The first description of Gleditsia caspica was in 1809 by René Louiche Desfontaines . The specific epithet caspica refers to the distribution area on the Caspian Sea. Synonyms for Gleditsia caspica Desf. are Gleditsia caspia Desf. and Gleditsia horrida subsp. caspia (Desf.) Paclt .


The Caspian Gleditschia is very rarely used as an ornamental shrub because of its remarkable fruits and the striking autumn colors . It is compatible with urban climates, loves warmth and is somewhat sensitive to frost. Sometimes it also serves as a bee pasture .



  • Andreas Roloff , Andreas Bärtels: Flora of the woods. Purpose, properties and use. With a winter key from Bernd Schulz. 3rd, corrected edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2008, ISBN 978-3-8001-5614-6 , p. 319.
  • Jost Fitschen: Woody flora . 12th, revised and expanded edition. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2007, ISBN 978-3-494-01422-7 , p. 512 .
  • Steve Cafferty: Cosmos Atlas Trees of the World . Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-440-10983-0 , p. 206 .
  • Peter Schütt , Hans Joachim Schuck, Bernd Stimm (eds.): Lexicon of tree and shrub species . Nikol, Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-933203-53-8 , pp. 197 .

Web links

Commons : Caspian Gleditschia ( Gleditsia caspica )  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ German name according to Roloff et al .: Flora der Gehölze , p. 319, according to Fitschen: Gehölzflora , p. 512 and according to Cafferty: Kosmos-Atlas trees of the world , p. 206
  2. a b c d e Andreas Roloff, Andreas Bärtels: Flora of the woods. Purpose, properties and use. With a winter key from Bernd Schulz. 3rd, corrected edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2008, ISBN 978-3-8001-5614-6 , p. 319.
  3. Steve Cafferty: Cosmos-Atlas trees of the world . Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-440-10983-0 , p. 206 .
  4. Peter Schütt , Hans Joachim Schuck, Bernd Stimm (ed.): Lexicon of tree and shrub species . Nikol, Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-933203-53-8 , pp.  197 .
  5. ^ A b Gleditsia caspica in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  6. Helmut Genaust: Etymological dictionary of botanical plant names. 3rd, completely revised and expanded edition. Nikol, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-937872-16-7 , p. 268 (reprint from 1996).
  7. Gleditsia caspia. In: ILDIS = International Legume Database & Information Service - World Database of Legumes, Version 10.01 from November 2005. Retrieved on May 9, 2015 .