Golden State II

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Golden State II
Harris Eisenstadt's live album



Label (s) Songlines Recordings

Format (s)


Genre (s)

Modern creative , free jazz

Title (number)


running time


  • Drums : Harris Eisenstadt


Harris Eisenstadt, Tony Reif

Location (s)

Vancouver Jazz Festival

Golden State
Golden State II Canada Day IV

Golden State II is a jazz album by Harris Eisenstadt and the second album by the quartet of the same name. The recordings were made at a live concert at the Vancouver Jazz Festival on June 28, 2014 and appeared on Songlines Recordings in 2015 .


The Golden State Band project came about when Eisenstadt was working as artist in residence at the California Institute of the Arts in 2012 . With Sara Schoenbeck , his wife, and Mark Dresser and Nicole Mitchell , who both lived in Southern California, he founded the small group alongside his other projects such as Canada Day , and recorded a first album with her in November 2012. For Harris Eisenstadt's second release with his Golden State Quartet, their concert was recorded at the Vancouver Jazz Festival 2014, and Michael Moore (clarinet) replaced Nicole Mitchell as she was not available for the Canadian festival tour.

According to Stefan Jones, Eisenstadt's Golden State project for chamber music jazz should be viewed in the context of the combination of classical and jazz. The Golden State Quartet - with Harris Eisenstadt (drums), Sara Schoenbeck (bassoon), Mark Dresser (double bass) and Michael Moore (clarinet) - complements the musical influences from European avant jazz ( ICP Orchestra ) to Yusef Lateef , Eric Dolphy and Wadada Leo Smith .

Eisenstadt commented on Michael Moore's contribution; when he joined the quartet, the direction of the group changed:

“Michael has a beautiful, playful, lyrical style, a harmoniously flowing style; a most natural way of playing melodically, harmonically and rhythmically at the same time, all in such a deep way. He brings with him a wonderful feeling for the spontaneous interplay of ensembles, which I have always loved in his work with two long-standing groups, ICP Orchestra and Available Jelly. He really gave Golden State his own sense of spontaneous orchestration, which worked great. "
John Ruskin

As usual with Harris Eisenstadt, the titles of the pieces have specific references. "The arrangement of Unequal Things" (dt. The arrangement of unequal things " ) is a quote from Richard Ford's novel Canada (2012), located on John Ruskin relates idea that composition is the arrangement of unequal things." A particularity with a universal Resonance "are" three elegiac, meditative sections and, ultimately, a rise of those strolling section ", playing on the Michael Moore solos; the title comes from the obituary for James Gandolfini in the New York Times .". a kind of Resigned indignation "(dt a kind resigned indignation ) comes from the New York Times obituary for Nora Ephron : "the solos and overall spirit are definitely indignant ." "Agency" is about "the way in which how every musician negotiates the composition in an improvisational way. ”“ Glening ”(Ger. reading ) refers to“ collecting leftovers after a harvest, a fitting reference to my compositional process ”, wrote Eisenstadt . “ Reading also means extracting information. I only gave so much information to the musicians; They extracted the information they needed and kept re-pouring the materials. "

Track list

  • Harris Eisenstadt - Golden State II (Songlines Recordings SGL 1610-2)
  1. The Arrangement of Unequal Things 6:54
  2. Seven in Six / A Particularity with a Universal Resonance 14:25
  3. A Kind of Resigned Indignation 9:56
  4. Agency 8:01
  5. Gleaning 10:17


According to Stefan Wood, who rated the album 3½ stars in the Free Jazz Blog , the concert recording has "a calm, highly concentrated intensity, filled with dynamic interplay and creative improvisations". Marc Dresser is the binding agent; he does this funky bass rhythms that drive Schönbeck and Moore to the outside, as in the opening track "The Arrangement of Unequal Things", with the cello as in the opening solo to the piece "A Kind of Resigned Indignation" or by means of one himself repetitive bluesy stride in the outstanding track "Agentur". The author also highlights the achievements of clarinetist Michael Moore; Its reference to Eric Dolphy with his organic playing on the clarinet is excellent and stretches the sound like caramel, flirtatious and whimsical. Schönbeck's bassoon seems like a baritone saxophone , only less deep, but soft as butter, which complements the higher register of the clarinet.

Michael Moore (2004)

According to Dan Bilawsky ( All About Jazz ), Eisenstadt rightly praises Michael Moore for his “spontaneous orchestration”, which plays a prominent role in his work here (and elsewhere). This aspect of Moore's art becomes clear when you listen to his funny and lively excursions to “The Arrangement Of Unequal Things” - a great show that stands in sharp contrast to Schönbeck's more decorative statements. Moore includes tonal curiosities, pirouette phrases, lyrical gestures, the creation of space and weird ideas in his convincing escapades, wrote Bilawsky. "And above all, it fits perfectly with the types of sound schemes that Eisenstadt, Schönbeck and Dresser have developed over time."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Stefan Wood: Harris Eisenstadt: Golden State II. Free Jazz Blog, April 1, 2015, accessed on May 12, 2020 (English).
  2. a b album information at Songöines Recordings
  3. ^ Harris Eisenstadt - Golden State II at Discogs
  4. Dan Bilawsky: Harris Eisenstadt. Golden State II All About Jazz, April 28, 2015. Retrieved on May 12, 2020 (English).