Goswin von Raesfeld

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Goswin von Raesfeld († December 16, 1586 in Münster ) was provost of the cathedral in the prince-bishopric of Münster .


Origin and family

Goswin von Raesfeld came from the Westphalian noble family von Raesfeld , from which numerous well-known personalities arose and belonged to the Catholic faith . He was the son of Adolf von Raesfeld zu Ostendorf and his wife Ermgard von Schencking zu Bevern. He had a brother and three sisters. With his concubine he had two sons and seven daughters, all of whom participated in the inheritance.


In 1555 Goswin received a cathedral praise in Münster. In Bologna he studied law and received on December 6, 1556, the graduation certificate from the university . As the successor of Dietrich von der Recke, he took over the Archdeaconate Stadtlohn on August 24, 1569 . Together with Konrad von Westerholt and Hermann von Diepenbrock (cathedral scholaster), he was delegated to the government of the Münster monastery on June 22, 1574 . He took his oath as provost on March 11, 1575. A short time later, on July 25, he was confirmed in his office by the cathedral chapter . Goswin had taken up his office with great misgivings, because the income from the cathedral provost was probably not plentiful. So the Great White Office was attached to it. In return he had to promise compliance with the residence obligation, because he was also provost in Beckum. Goswin belonged to the cathedral chapter party, which was Protestant. On August 12, 1586, he received instructions for an embassy to the Elector Ernst of Cologne , who was considered the protective power of Catholicism .


  • The diocese of Münster 4.2. The cathedral monastery St. Paulus zu Münster , edited by Wilhelm Kohl, published by the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen, publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, ISBN 978-3-11-008508- 2 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The diocese of Münster 4.2. The cathedral monastery St. Paulus zu Münster , edited by Wilhelm Kohl, published by the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen, publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, ISBN 978-3-11-008508- 2 , p. 57

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