Ludwig Friedrich von Domhardt

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Ludwig Friedrich von Domhardt (* 1744 , † January 25, 1814 ; other death date: 1821 ) was a Prussian civil servant and a landowner.


Ludwig Friedrich von Domhardt was born as the son of Chamber President Johann Friedrich von Domhardt (1712–1781) and his wife Johanna Amalia, daughter of Johann Casper Keydel, Brunswick forest inspector who then came to East Prussia as a domain leaseholder . His siblings were:

Ludwig Friedrich von Domhardt received private tuition at home and began studying at the University of Königsberg in May 1762 . At first he worked as a trainee lawyer in Berlin , then went on a long trip abroad, which also took him to England, and after his return in January 1767 he had an audience with Friedrich II.

With cabinet order v. January 22, 1767 he was employed in the directorial administration and was incorporated under the guidance of the Finance Council Marcus Antonius de la Haye de Launay. In 1769 he became a war and domain councilor at the Chamber in Kleve . In December 1771, his father asked for Ludwig Friedrich von Domhardt to be admitted to the Pepiniere of the general management , but there was no change of location to Berlin. In May 1776 he became second chamber director in Minden .

By order of January 4, 1782, he succeeded Carl Friedrich Ludwig von Gaudy (1734–1784) as President and Director of the Bromberg Chamber of Deputation and took up this post in March 1782. In September 1786 he became President of the Chamber in Marienwerder , succeeding Ernst Wilhelm Benjamin von Korckwitz (1744–1802). In April 1790 he was given the status of finance advisor, later he became a secret chief finance advisor and at the same time became head of the Prussian field war commissioner. With cabinet orders of July 1, 1790, the king dismissed him from his office as President of the Chamber without giving reasons and appointed Friedrich Ewald Ernst von Massow as his successor; then Ludwig Friedrich von Domhardt withdrew to his estate in Worienen in the Preussisch Eylau district .

In 1792 he acquired the Bestendorf estate with the Nasewitt, Gallinden and Klein Wilmsdorf farms from Major General Karl Friedrich Ernst Truchseß von Waldburg .

In 1804 he bought Bandels with Bartelsdorf, Tappelkeim, Sand, Kobbelbude and Suiken bei Sehmen .

Despite several attempts, he could no longer return to the public service.

He was married to Countess Agnes Theresia Honorata von Leszczyc Radolino Radolinska (* unknown, † September 1, 1828 in Worienen). They had two children together:

  • Anna Therese Friederike Adelheid von Domhardt (* May 2, 1791; † unknown);
  • Alfred Gustav Friedrich von Domhardt (born August 20, 1792 in Worienen, † May 23, 1856 in Bestendorf).


In 1780 he became a member of the Freemasons .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ German biography: Domhardt, Ludwig Friedrich von - German biography. Retrieved May 11, 2018 .
  2. Rolf Straubel: Biographical Handbook of the Prussian Administrative and Judicial Officials 1740-1806 / 15, p. 221 (incomplete) . Walter de Gruyter, 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-44130-1 ( [accessed on May 12, 2018]).
  3. ^ Ludwig Friedrich von Domhardt . In: Genealogy diary . October 4, 2010 ( [accessed on May 13, 2018]).
  4. ^ The will of Amalie Eleonore von Domhardt . In: Genealogy diary . November 24, 2016 ( [accessed May 14, 2018]).
  5. MDZ reader | Band | History of the Prussian directorial administration from 1766 to 1786 / Schultze, Walther. Retrieved May 14, 2018 .
  6. ^ SLUB Dresden: About the field war commissariat of the Königl. Prussian Army in the present war. Retrieved on May 14, 2018 (German).