Thank God Schumann

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Georg Gottlob Schumann (* 14. June 1860 in Klettwitz , † 2. September 1929 in Grube Ilse in Großräschen ) was a German mine - Director . Through his work he decisively shaped one of the largest German lignite companies, the Ilse Bergbau AG .


Schumann was the son of a farmer from Klettwitz.

He completed an apprenticeship as a commercial clerk at the Deutsche Reichspost and then worked in the postal administration. In 1880 he started working at the Ilse lignite works. After its conversion to Ilse Bergbau AG in 1888, Schumann received power of attorney . In 1894 Schumann was appointed Deputy Director. In 1897 he was appointed to the company's board of directors. From 1906 until his death in 1929, Schumann was General Director of Ilse Bergbau.

The Marga mine , which was opened in Brieske in 1906 and named after Schumann's daughter who died as a child, laid the foundation for the rise of Ilse Bergbau AG to become the largest company in the Lusatian lignite industry. Schumann introduced marketing methods such as visual advertising on Berlin buses at an early stage, pushed the modernization of the company forward and successfully led the company through the economically difficult war and post-war period through a tight, lean corporate hierarchy and administration. In 1929 he steered the company through the hostile takeover of the Bohemian lignite industrialists Ignaz and Julius Petschek .

In the social area, Schumann established the "System Ilse" with factory settlements such as B. the garden city Marga , a pension fund, a gratuity system and a works savings bank. A large part of the permanent workforce was thus tied to the company.

He was given the honorary title of Commerzienrat . Schumann was still chairman of the Niederlausitzer Briquette Syndicate .

Gottlob Schumann Prize

The Lausitz University of Applied Sciences has awarded the Gottlob Schumann Prize, named after him, for outstanding graduate theses every year since 1999 . The university is reminiscent of an entrepreneur who, through “his work, became the founder of the economic boom in Lusatia .


Individual evidence

  1. Ulf Jacob, Ute Jochinke: Oases of Modernity. Urban and landscape design in the Lausitz area.
  2. a b c d e f Baxmann, Matthias : Schumann, Georg Gottlob in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 23 (2007), pp. 750–751 online version