Goulven Laurent

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Goulven Laurent (* 1925 in Lanarvily ; † 2008 ) was a French science historian .

Laurent first studied theology in Angers and then taught mathematics, history and geography in Lesneven and Brest while studying at Rennes University. In 1966 he became professor of geography at the Institut catholique in Angers, where he was director of the literature and history department in 1984 and then librarian. In 1996 he retired.

He was interested in prehistory and undertook excavations under André Leroi-Gourhan . As a historian of science, he dealt with the history of paleontology and evolutionary theory, especially in France and especially Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck . This was also the subject of his doctoral thesis in 1984 with Jacques Roger ( Charles Gillispie was also a reviewer of the dissertation).

He also dealt with Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire , Edward Drinker Cope (as a Lamarckist), Louis Agassiz , Georges Cuvier , Jean Baptiste Julien d'Omalius d'Halloy , Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville , Constant Prévost , Jean-Guillaume Bruguière and Teilhard de Chardin .


  • Lamarck et la paleontologie. In: Annales CEHN. 1, 1981, pp. 27-48.
  • Epilogue to Georges Cuvier: Discours sur les révolutions de la surface du globe et sur les changements qu'elles ont produits dans le règne animal. Bourgois, Paris 1985, ISBN 2-267-00424-0 , pp. 311-333.
  • Paléontologie et évolution en France de 1800 à 1860. Une histoire des idées de Cuvier et Lamarck à Darwin (= Mémoires de la Section d'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques. 4). Éditions du CTHS, Paris 1987, ISBN 2-7355-0126-4 (his dissertation 1984).
  • as editor with Jacques Roger : Lamarck: Articles d'histoire naturelle. Belin, Paris 1991, ISBN 2-7011-1314-8 .
  • as editor: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. 1744-1829. (Colloque organized en 1994 à l'occasion du 250e anniversaire de sa naissance). Éditions du CTHS, Paris 1997, ISBN 2-7355-0364-X .
  • La naissance du transformisme. Lamarck between Linnaeus and Darwin. Vuibert et al., Paris 2001, ISBN 2-7117-5348-4 .
  • Lamarck. De la philosophy du continu à la science du discontinu. In: Revue d'histoire des sciences. Vol. 28, No. 4, 1975, ISSN  0151-4105 , pp. 327-360, doi : 10.3406 / rhs . 1975.1180 .

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