André Leroi-Gourhan

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André Leroi-Gourhan, Portrait of José-Manuel Benito Álvarez, 2006

André Leroi-Gourhan (born August 25, 1911 in Paris , † February 19, 1986 ibid) was a French archaeologist , paleontologist , paleoanthropologist and anthropologist . He made important contributions to the art styles of the Upper Palaeolithic , which he divided into four style epochs (→ main article Art styles of cave painting ).


Leroi-Gourhan studied at the Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales of the Sorbonne in Paris with degrees in Russian (1931) and Chinese (1933). He was involved in the development of the Musée de l'Homme from 1933 , studied at the British Museum and took part in an expedition to Japan in 1937, where he collected material for his dissertation, which was carried out in 1945 by Marcel Mauss at the Sorbonne (on archeology in the North Pacific ). From 1940 to 1944 he was at the Musée Guimet and researched for the CNRS .

In the Second World War he was also a member of the Resistance and received the Médaille de la Résistance , the Croix de guerre and was knight of the Legion of Honor . In 1946 he became deputy director at the Musée de l'Homme and then professor in Lyon . In 1956 he became professor at the Sorbonne and there in 1963 director of the Institut d'ethnologie and from 1969 to 1982 he was professor at the Collège de France .

Leroi-Gourhan dealt with both general questions of technology and the development of material culture in anthropology, with excavation technology and in particular prehistoric art and religion.

In 1973 he received the CNRS gold medal . He was a member of the Institut de France .


Works (selection)

  • Evolution et techniques . Michel, Paris 1992.
  1. L'homme et la matière . [1943] 1992, ISBN 2-226-06213-0 (EA Paris 1943).
  2. Milieu et techniques . [1945] 1992, ISBN 2-226-06214-9 (EA Paris 1945).
  • Le geste et la parole . Michel, Paris 1995/98. (EA Paris 1964/65).
  1. Technique et langage . 1995, ISBN 2-226-01728-3 .
  2. La mémoire et les rythmes . 1998, ISBN 2-226-02324-0 .
  • German: hand and word. The evolution of technology, language and art . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 2006, ISBN 3-518-28300-6 (EA Frankfurt am Main 1980).
  • Les religions de la préhistoire paleolithique (= Quadrige. 156). 5th edition. PUF, Paris 1986, ISBN 2-13-039488-4 (EA Paris 1964).
    • German: The religions of prehistory . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1981, ISBN 3-518-11073-X .
  • Préhistoire de l'art occidental (= L'art et les grandes civilizations. 1). Citadelles & Mazenod, Paris 1997, ISBN 2-85088-064-7 (EA Paris 1965).
  • Les hommes de la préhistoire. Les chasseurs . Bourellier, Paris 1955.
    • English: Prehistoric Man . Philosophical Library, New York 1957.
  • Più antichi artisti d'Europa. Introduzione all'arte parietale paleolitica (= La orme dell'uomo). Jaca Editorial, Milan 1981.
    • English: The Dawn of European Art. An Introduction to Palaeolithic Cave Painting . CUP, Cambridge 1982, ISBN 0-521-24459-5 .
  • with Arlette Leroi-Gourhan: Un voyage chez les Ainous. Hokkaido 1938 . Albin Michel, Paris 1989, ISBN 2-226-03624-5 .
    • German: A trip to the Ainu. Hokkaido 1938 . Amman, Zurich 1995, ISBN 3-250-10226-1 (EA Zurich 1989).


Articles / chapters
  • Giulio Angioni : Fare, dire, sentire. L'identico e il diverso nelle culture . Nuoro, Il Maestrale 2011, ISBN 978-88-6429-020-1 .
  • François Audouze, Nathan Schlanger (Eds.): Autour de l'homme. Contexte et actualité d'André Leroi-Gourhan . APDCA, Antibes 2004, ISBN 2-904110-39-9 (English and French)
  • Hélène Balfet: Observer l'action technique. Des chaînes opératoires, pour quoi faire? Éditions du CNRS, Paris 1991, ISBN 2-222-04592-4 .
  • Christian Bromberger among others: Homage to A. Leroi-Gourhan . Special issue of Terrain magazine . 1986 ISSN  0760-5668 Numéro .
  • Marc Groenen: Leroi-Gourhan. Essence et contingence dans la destinée humaine . De Boeck Université, Paris 1996, ISBN 2-8041-2255-7 .
  • Michel Lorblanchet: Les grottes ornées de la Préhistoire. Nouveaux regards . Errance, Paris 1995, ISBN 2-87772-112-4 .
    • German: cave painting. A manual (Thorbecke-Speläothek; 1). Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 2000, ISBN 3-7995-9025-0 (EA Sigmaringen 1997).
  • Franck Tinland: La différence anthropologique. Essai sur les rapports de la nature et de l'artifice . Aubier Montaigne, Paris 1977, ISBN 2-7007-0054-6 .
  • Bénedicte de Villers: Husserl , Leroi-Gourhan et la préhistoire (Collection Anthropologiques). Petra Éditions, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-84743-030-1 .

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