Order of magnitude (amount of substance)

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This is a compilation of amounts of substances of various sizes for comparison purposes. The information is often to be understood as “typical values”; the converted values ​​are rounded.

The basic unit of the amount of substance in the international system of units is 1  mol ( unit symbol mol ), the formula symbol n . One mole of a substance is defined as that amount of substance that is equivalent to 12 g of 12 C or that amount of substance that consists of 602 trillion smallest possible substance portions. Since the amount n of a substance portion depends on the number of particles, it is - unlike the mass m of the substance portion - not measurable with the scales: A crowd of 100 people can bring a mass of over 15,000 kg on the scales - example: adult sumo wrestlers - or even just 400 kg - example: infants. The conversion of mass and amount of substance takes place via the molar mass M , the quotient of the mass m and the amount of substance n , or with the help of the Avogadro constant N A and the particle mass m M :

Number ratios in tile patterns and chemical compounds

Amounts of substance less than 1 µmol (<10 −6  mol = 1 micromol)

  • 1.6 · 10 −24  mol - Smallest possible amount or portion of substance, consisting of a particle (e.g. a hydrogen atom or proton (mass 1.67 · 10 −27  kg) or a gold atom ( m = 3.27 10 −25  kg), amount of substance i.e. 1 / 6.023 10 23  mol)
  • 0.016 · <10 −14  kg - mass of a fine dust particle (calculated assuming that it consists of quartz , 1 mol of which weighs 60.09 g, then this is <10 −14  kg / 60.09 g / mol)

1 µmol to 1 mmol (10 −6  mol to 10 −3  mol)

  • 0.29 - 2.5 µmol - approximately the amount of substance of the daily requirement of an adult for the trace element selenium (mass: 50–200 µg; molar mass: one mole of selenium weighs 78.0 g)
  • approx. 3 µmol - approximate amount of substance in a grain of quartz sand (0.5 mm diameter, approx. 200 g)
  • 6 mmol - the amount of substance per minute of pure oxygen required for human respiration (adult breathing volume per minute at rest 7.5 L air corresponding to 1.75 L pure oxygen in the air)
  • approx. 2.7 mmol - approximately the amount of substance of a drop of water (volume around 0.05 mL, one mole of water is 18 g or 18 mL)
  • 0.215–0.4 mmol - lethal dose of nicotine with a body mass of 70 kg (that is 35–70 mg, 1 mol of nicotine weighs 162.24 g)

1 mmol to 1 mol (10 −3  mol to 10 0  mol)

  • 1.0 mol - amount of substance of 12 g of C-12 carbon or of around 24 L of gas (normal air pressure and room temperature, e.g. 2 g of hydrogen gas or 32 g of oxygen or 44 g of carbon dioxide), correspondingly also 18 mL of water, 536.89 g beta-carotene (plant pigment E160a) or 3 t muscle protein titin (mass of the protein molecule titin approx. 5 · 10 −21  kg, 1 molecule titin consists of 26926 amino acids)

1 mol to 1 kmol (10 0  mol to 10 3  mol)

  • 5.076 mol - the amount of substance of 1 kg of gold
  • 27.7 mol - amount of substance of 1 t cellulose ((C 12 H 20 O 10 ) [n] , molar mass at least 36000 g / mol)
  • 51.75 mol - amount of carbon atoms in the Cullinan diamond (at 621 g the probably largest molecule in the world, so it consists of 621/12 × 6.023 · 10 23 atoms of carbon)
  • 55.5 mol - amount of substance of 1 liter of water (molar mass 18 g / mol)

About 1 kmol (10 3  mol)

  • 55.5 kmol - amount of substance of 1 m 3 (1000 liters) of water at 20 ° C
  • 130.8 Mmol (Megamol) - amount of substance of the steel structure of the Eiffel Tower (calculated as pure iron , molar mass 55.8 g / mol, mass 7,300 t; total mass of the Eiffel Tower approx. 10,100 t)
  • 68.2 Gmol (Gigamol) = 6.8 · 10 10  mol (68,200,000,000 mol) - amount of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere (mass 3 · 10 15  kg, molar mass 44 g / mol)
The sun in the red light of the H-alpha spectral line
  • around 1.6 · 10 30  mol = amount of hydrogen in the sun
  • 6 · 10 34  mol - largest possible coherent amount of substance (giant star HD 93129A , consisting of 120 solar masses, whereby it is assumed that the star consists of a gas mixture of hydrogen and helium with an average molar mass of around 2 g / mol and a solar mass of around 2 10 30  kg)

Notes and individual references

  1. 6.022 141 29 · 10 23 Atoms , ions or molecules , see Avogadro constant . That is an unimaginably large number that can hardly be illustrated: 1 mol of dice spread over the earth would result in a layer around 10 km high.