Grassland botany

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Grassland botany is a branch of grassland management that deals with the botanical aspects primarily of permanent grassland ( meadows and pastures that are at least five years old ).

Meadow aspect with daisies, bluebells, Pippau, buttercups and bedstraw

More than half of the plant species in Europe are found in the "land use form grassland " (in broader terms). Due to the high biodiversity (up to 70 plant species per 25 m² reference area and a multiple of fauna taxa , e.g. arthropods ), grassland botany plays a major role in nature conservation issues , but also in landscape aesthetics. This high biodiversity is achieved through periodic or episodic lighting of the lower vegetation layers.

Problems such as intensification of use , fertilization , use of liquid manure , silage , mowing time of first growth or other topics of this ecosystem are answered here taking into account geobotanical and landscape-ecological issues and not from economic approaches.

Grassland botanical institutes exist in Germany in Freising and Göttingen , Kiel and Bonn, among others .