Grimmia caespiticia

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Grimmia caespiticia
Grimmia caespiticia (a, 142417-472628) 6672.JPG

Grimmia caespiticia

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Grim
Family : Grimmiaceae
Genre : Grimmia
Type : Grimmia caespiticia
Scientific name
Grimmia caespiticia
( Brid. ) Jur.

Grimmia caespiticia (German Rasiges cushion moss ) is a moss - kind from the family Grimmiaceae .


Grimmia caespiticia forms dense, often extensive, 1 to 1.5 centimeters high, gray-green to black-green cushions. The lower stem leaves are very small and without a glass tip. The upper leaves are pointed lanceolate from the egg-shaped base and have a hyaline spike tip. They are keeled at the top, have curved edges and a deep longitudinal fold on each side of the rib. The leaf lamina is usually two-celled at the top. The cells are short rectangular at the bottom and rounded-square at the top.

The spore capsule on the upright seta , which is 2 to 3 millimeters long and upright, is short and cylindrical, the lid has a short beak, the hood ( kalyptra ) is cap-shaped, small and obsolete. The species is diocesan .

Location claims and distribution

Grimmia caespiticia grows on moist silicate rock, often in snow valleys , in the alpine to nival altitude range . In the central alps of Austria and Switzerland it is rare to scattered, in Germany extremely rare. Worldwide there are occurrences in the mountains of Central and Southern Europe, in Turkey, in the Caucasus and the mountains in southern Siberia as well as in the western coastal areas of North America.


Web links

Commons : Grimmia caespiticia  - album with pictures, videos and audio files