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Großheinrichschlag ( village )
Großheinrichschlag (Austria)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Pole. District , state Krems-Land  (KR), Lower Austria
Judicial district Krems at the Donau
Pole. local community Weinzierl am Walde   ( KG  Großheinrichschlag)
Coordinates 48 ° 25 '8 "  N , 15 ° 22' 59"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 25 '8 "  N , 15 ° 22' 59"  Ef1
height 705  m above sea level A.
Residents of the village 147 (January 1, 2020)
Statistical identification
Locality code 04224
South view of Sankt Johann, a church hamlet in Großheinrichschlag
Source: STAT : index of places ; BEV : GEONAM ; NÖGIS

Großheinrichschlag is a village in the municipality of Weinzierl am Walde in Lower Austria .

The place is located southwest of Weinzierl and on the south side of the deeply cut Kremstal , on the opposite side of which Kleinheinrichschlag is located. Until the end of 1969, Großheinrichschlag formed an independent municipality together with the localities of Habruck and Lobendorf and joined the municipality of Weinzierl on January 1, 1972.

Individual evidence

  1. Großheinrichschlag on