Pit Undisputed Find

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Undisputed find
General information about the mine
Undisputed Fund.jpg
Drilling profile of the pit Undisputed find from the 1882 deposit map.
Information about the mining company
Funded raw materials
Degradation of Brown coal
Geographical location
Coordinates 50 ° 58 '58.9 "  N , 7 ° 7' 56.2"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 58 '58.9 "  N , 7 ° 7' 56.2"  E
Undisputed find (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Undisputed find
Location Undisputed find
Location Heidkamp
local community Bergisch Gladbach
District ( NUTS3 ) Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis
country State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Country Germany
District Bensberg ore district

The Undisputed Fund is a former lignite mine in the Bensberg ore district in Bergisch Gladbach . The site belongs to the Heidkamp district .


The pit climber Christian Fassbender from Altenbrück mooted the pit field undisputed find on November 13, 1850 on behalf of the pit climber Gottlieb Schmidt from Bensberg. Then went to Schmidt Mutschein of 17 November 1850. Following the field visit from April 2, 1851, both received the award certificate on 10 November 1851. This was followed Friš obligations that were approved in 1862 for an indefinite period.


Little is known about mining activities. On a site plan from February 14, 1868, west of Bensberger Strasse in the right bank area of ​​the Scheidbach, the word “brown coal mine” can be seen in the dashed field . Here at some point the mining of lignite has apparently started, as can be seen from the minutes of the proceedings described below. In 1865 they wanted to extend the construction activities to the property in the north, which results from the site plan. In particular, they wanted to set up a steam engine to drain the open pit mine . The property belonged to the paper manufacturer Carl August Koch von der Kieppemühle, who wanted to achieve a higher selling price because the area could be used as garden land and for building purposes. One could not agree; therefore, on April 7, 1868, the “expropriation proceedings” (expropriation proceedings) took place. Participants in the negotiation included Carl August Koch as owner of the property, Theodor Zimmermann as representative of the Undisputed Fund mine and Mayor August Clostermann as commissioner of the Royal Government of Cologne. It was agreed that Zimmermann would have to pay Koch 250 talers for the use of an area of ​​around 1½ acres. In addition, Koch was granted the right of repurchase when the mining activities were over. An amicable agreement was reached with this result.

Location and relics

The mining field Undisputed Fund bordered the An der Eiche road to the west and the Braunkohlenstraße to the east. To the north it bordered on Heidkamper Strasse and to the south on the Scheidbach. Between the residential development on Heidkamper Straße and the Scheidbach you can still see depressions and heaps that can be traced back to the old lignite mine.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Herbert Stahl (editor), Gerhard Geurts , Hans-Dieter Hilden, Herbert Ommer : Das Erbe des Erzes. Volume 3: The pits in the Paffrath Kalkmulde. Bergischer Geschichtsverein Rhein-Berg, Bergisch Gladbach 2006, ISBN 3-932326-49-0 , pp. 120f.


  • Herbert Stahl (editor), Gerhard Geurts, Hans-Dieter Hilden, Herbert Ommer: The legacy of ore. Volume 3: The pits in the Paffrath Kalkmulde. Bergischer Geschichtsverein Rhein-Berg, Bergisch Gladbach 2006, ISBN 3-932326-49-0 ( series of publications by the Bergisches Geschichtsverein Rhein-Berg eV 49).