Gustav Benario

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Gustav Benario (born February 11, 1868 in Wertheim am Main ; died June 3, 1948 in Buffalo , New York ) was a German banker .


Benario was the son of the merchant, wine merchant and Wertheim councilor Leopold Benario and his wife Hannchen nee Löb. After attending grammar school in Wertheim, he entered the banking business, later he became bank director and board member of the Deutsche Effecten- und Wechselbank in Frankfurt am Main , Berlin department .

Gustav Benario was a member of the Soncino Society of Friends of the Jewish Book in Berlin and the Frankfurt Bibliophile Society. He was also a member of the Economic Committee of the Prussian State Association of Jewish Communities.


Gustav Benario married Emilie nee Scharff from Landau in the Palatinate . The children of Johanne Friederike were married. Strauss (* 1897) and Johann Friedrich Benario (* 1901). He lived with his family in Berlin-Charlottenburg , Bismarckstrasse 102. They later moved to Heilbronner Strasse 13 II in the “ Bavarian Quarter ” in Schöneberg. From there in 1941 they managed to escape from the National Socialist German Reich to the USA via Cuba .

Fonts (selection)

  • Family tree of the Benario family, undated [CG Blanckertz, Düsseldorf] 1921.


  • Address book of directors and supervisory boards , 1929, p. 275.
  • Reichs Handbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft - The handbook of personalities in words and pictures , 2 volumes. German business publisher, Berlin 1930/31.
  • Herrmann AL Degener : Degeners Who is it? . Xth edition, Berlin 1935, p. 92.
  • Joseph Walk, Leo Baeck (ed.): Short biographies on the history of the Jews 1918–1945 , 2014, p. 415.

Individual evidence

  1. Erich Langguth: From Wertheim's history (= publication of the historical association Wertheim, vol. 7), ed. by the Historical Association in conjunction with the Wertheim State Archives on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Wertheim Historical Association (Verlag des Historisches Verein Wertheim eV, Wertheim 2004.
  2. Karin Bürger, Ines Sonder, Ursula Wallmeier (ed.): Soncino Society of Friends of the Jewish Book. A contribution to cultural history . de Gruyter, Berlin 2014.
  3. ^ Max P. Birnbaum: State and Synagogue, 1918-1938. A history of the Prussian State Association of Jewish Communities (1918–1938) . JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1981, p. 200 et al
  4. Stumbling blocks in Berlin