Gustav Heinrich Warnatz

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Gustav Heinrich Warnatz (born February 27, 1810 in Kamenz , † May 18, 1872 in Berlin ) was a German ophthalmologist who worked in Dresden.


Warnatz studied from 1827 to 1830 at the surgical-medical academy in Dresden, then at the University of Leipzig . There he received his doctorate in 1832 with the dissertation De cataracta nigra . After being a doctor in Kamenz, he went to Dresden in 1838 and devoted himself to ophthalmology as August von Ammon's assistant .

In 1849 Warnatz became a resident physician at the Royal Institute for the Blind, and in 1855 medical advisor and medical assessor of the district administration. In addition, he was a collaborator in the publication or speaker of the journals Yearbooks of the domestic and foreign entire medicine by Carl Christian Schmidt (1793–1855) and the archive for the entire medicine of Heinrich Haeser . He was a member of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors .

As a Freemason, Warnatz was the main champion of the German Grand Lodge Association . In 1868 he spoke up as the Saxon Grand Master and obtained a meeting for the German Grand Master’s Day, which eventually led to the German Grand Lodge Association.


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Individual evidence

  1. Members of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors 1857