Gustav Herth

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Gustav Herth (born August 13, 1820 in Buchen ; † December 27, 1884 ) was a Baden farmer, scientist and politician.


Gustav Herth studied pharmacy and natural sciences in Heidelberg from 1845 to 1850 and received his doctorate as Dr. ph. From 1850 to 1857 he was a teacher of agricultural chemistry and then switched to practical agriculture for health reasons. Between 1856 and 1862 he set up the well-known irrigation system of Gut Seehof. He held numerous functions in agricultural associations.

From 1861 to 1863 Herth was a member of the Second Chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly and from 1868 to 1870 he was a member of the customs parliament as a member of the constituency of Baden 12 ( Heidelberg , Weinheim , Eberbach , Buchen ) . There he joined the National Liberals.

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